Universal usb installer portable — создание загрузочной флешки

Cómo funciona Universal USB Installer: Paso a paso

Dando por sentado que ya se cuenta con el correspondiente programa y la imagen ISO del sistema operativo que se pretende tener en el USB, los pasos a seguir son muy sencillos y se pueden resumir en:

  • Abre la herramienta de instalación.
  • Selecciona una de las opciones de la lista con los diferentes sistemas operativos o distribuciones de Linux existentes.
  • Escoge el pendrive donde se quiere crear y dar a la opción a siguiente para terminar la formación de un USB de instalación o USB booteable.

Requerimientos técnicos

Los requisitos iniciales que hacen falta no distan en gran medida de todos aquellos a los que una persona puede tener acceso sin demasiado problema. De esta manera, además del programa para crear la memoria, necesitaremos:

  • 2 GB o más en la memoria USB
  • Microsoft Windows XP o posterior
  • 5 GB de espacio en el pendrive

Download von ISOs

Genauso wie das Herunterladen des Programms zum Erstellen der USB Installation einfach ist, geschieht das Gleiche mit den ISO-Images der Betriebssysteme. Wie bereits erwähnt, sind beide Systeme in der Mehrheit der Gesellschaft sehr bekannt, was dazu führt, dass sie auch Online weit verbreitet sind.

Ubuntu und andere Linux-Distributionen

In Bezug auf Linux ist es möglich, dass es in vielen Fällen nicht notwendig ist, den Download auszuführen, da sie in der Repository-Adresse enthalten sind. Wie auch immer, wir verlassen den offiziellen Download-Link der neuesten Version von Ubuntu:


Bei Windows muss es immer einen Download geben, der über offizielle Plattformen des Unternehmens oder über andere Webseiten erfolgen kann. In jedem Fall wird der Ablauf auch schnell und reibungslos ausgeführt, und zwar unter folgendem Link:

Dieser Link ist mit der neuesten Version von Windows 10 verknüpft. Sie können den Download-Link auch für Windows 7, Vista und To Go finden. Mit dieser Software können Sie Ihr portables Installationsprogramm in wenigen und einfach verständlichen Schritten erstellen.

How to Install the Operating System

The process to install the OS is relatively simple. The most complicated part of the whole process is booting the USB drive with the OS that we want.

Here we have several options, depending on whether we want to install the operating system on a fresh and clean PC, create a new partition along-side a current operating system, or just use the new operating system without having to modify the computer itself. The most common method is to install the OS from scratch, either as an update to an older OS or as a fresh install on a PC without one.

How to Install Windows From USB

Installing a Windows operating system from a USB drive is as easy as selecting it in BIOS or from the computer’s boot screen, where the USB flash drive will appear as an option if it’s been detected properly.

All you have to do is select the flash drive and wait for your PC to complete the operation on its own. The process should be very simple, and quite fast. Errors should be sparse if all of your hardware and firmware is compatible.

This process is the same for Windows 7 or 10, as well as most other versions of Windows.

How to Install Ubuntu From USB

Installing Ubuntu or other distributions of Linux is also extremely easy via USB. All you need to do is restart the computer when the default USB memory isn’t detected. Once you’ve done this, the standard installation window should open, and you should be able to start the process instantly. You’ll be guided through the entire process, so the chances of failure are minimal.

YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator

YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer), is the successor to our MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot Bootable USB Flash Drive containing multiple operating systems, antivirus utilities, disc cloning – backup, penetration testing, diagnostic tools, and much more. YUMI makes it easy for anyone to create their very own custom All-In-One Multi use diagnostic USB PC Repair Toolkit.

Contrary to MultiBootISOs which used grub to boot ISO files directly from USB, YUMI uses syslinux to boot extracted distributions stored on the USB device, and reverts back to using grub to Boot Multiple ISO files from USB, if necessary.

Aside from a few distributions, all files are stored within the Multiboot folder, making for a nicely organized Portable Multiboot USB Drive that can still be used for other storage purposes.

YUMI was originally intended to be used to store and run various «LIVE Linux» Operating Systems and tools from USB. Using YUMI to install Linux from USB to a Hard Drive works on many but not all distributions. (I’m working to address this). If you find a distribution where the install does not work, please let me know.

YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator

YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer), is the successor to our MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot Bootable USB Flash Drive containing multiple operating systems, antivirus utilities, disc cloning – backup, penetration testing, diagnostic tools, and much more. YUMI makes it easy for anyone to create their very own custom All-In-One Multi use diagnostic USB PC Repair Toolkit.

Contrary to MultiBootISOs which used grub to boot ISO files directly from USB, YUMI uses syslinux to boot extracted distributions stored on the USB device, and reverts back to using grub to Boot Multiple ISO files from USB, if necessary.

Aside from a few distributions, all files are stored within the Multiboot folder, making for a nicely organized Portable Multiboot USB Drive that can still be used for other storage purposes.

YUMI was originally intended to be used to store and run various «LIVE Linux» Operating Systems and tools from USB. Using YUMI to install Linux from USB to a Hard Drive works on many but not all distributions. (I’m working to address this). If you find a distribution where the install does not work, please let me know.

Comment installer le système d’exploitation

Au moment de l’installation, le processus à suivre est tout aussi simple, car la partie la plus complexe du processus réside dans le démarrage USB avec le système d’exploitation désiré.

Ici, les options sont multiples ; si vous voulez installer le système sur un équipement neuf ou presque, il faut créer une partition du système déjà existant ou utiliser le système sans compromettre l’installation en place sur l’ordinateur. Le plus courant est cependant de vouloir installer le système d’exploitation à partir de rien, afin de pouvoir utiliser un PC qui n’en possédait pas ou qui disposait d’une version obsolète.

Comment installer Windows depuis l’USB

Installer un système d’exploitation Windows par le biais d’une image sur USB est aussi simple. En entrant dans le BIOS au démarrage de l’ordinateur, la clé USB apparaîtra comme une option de démarrage si elle est connectée.

Tout ce que vous aurez à faire est sélectionner cette unité et attendre que le PC réalise le reste de l’opération tout seul. Ce processus est de fait très simple, rapide et utile et vous aurez peu de probabilité de rencontrer des problèmes ou des erreurs si tous les systèmes et appareils sont compatibles.

Ce processus est identique pour Windows 7 ou 10 et pour les autres versions du système d’exploitation Microsoft.

Comment installer Ubuntu depuis l’USB

Installer Ubuntu et d’autres distributions de Linux par le biais d’une image USB est également très simple. Vous n’aurez rien d’autres à faire que redémarrer l’ordinateur si la mémoire USB par défaut n’est pas détectée. Une fois fait, la fenêtre d’installation habituelle s’ouvre et le processus peut être initialisé instantanément et guidé, limitant au maximum les risques de défaillance.

Основная информация



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Como instalar o sistema operativo

No momento da instalação, o processo a seguir é tão simples como os procedimentos anteriores. Aliás, a parte mais complexa e que pode suscitar mais dúvidas de todo o processo está em fazer com que o USB seja inicializável com o ISO que queremos.
Nesta fase, as opções são várias, dependendo de se se quer instalar um sistema num PC como novo, criar uma partição de um sistema já existente ou simplesmente fazer uso do sistema sem ter de se comprometer ao já instalado previamente no seu dispositivo. O mais habitual, com efeito, é querer instalar o sistema operativo desde origem para poder utiliza-lo num PC, que até ao processo de instalação não continha um ou fazia uso de uma versão desatualizada.

Como instalar o Windows através de USB

Instalar um sistema operativo Windows com recurso a USB é tão fácil como selecioná-lo desde a BIOS ou o sistema de arranque do computador, onde irá aparecer a pendrive como opção de arranque, caso este se encontre conectado à mesma.

O único procedimento que terá de fazer é selecionar a dita unidade e esperar que o PC complete o processo por si mesmo, sem influência do utilizador. Trata-se de um processo muito simplificado, extremamente rápido e, obviamente, útil, que se destaca pela sua escassa probabilidades de aparecimento de problemas ou erros durante todo o processo, caso todos os sistemas e dispositivos sejam compatíveis uns com os outros.

Este processo repete-se para todas as outras versões do sistema operativo Microsoft como, por exemplo, o Windows 7 ou o Windows 10.

Como instalar o Ubuntu através de USB

Instalar o Ubuntu e outras distribuições da Linux é também extremamente simples através de USB, tanto que não irá ser necessário que o utilizador leve a cabo nenhuma ação adicional que vá além de reiniciar o computador quando não seja detetada a memória USB por defeito. Uma vez realizado este procedimento, a janela de instalação habitual irá abrir como de costume e o processo poderá ser iniciado de forma instantânea e guiada. Deste modo, as probabilidades e situações de falha ou erro são diminuídas ao máximo, pois não existe margem para tal.

Download das Imagens ISO

Da mesma forma que fazer download de um programa para criar um USB de instalação é algo bastante sensato, acontece o mesmo com as imagens ISO dos sistemas operativos. Como já foi dito, ambos os sistemas são altamente conhecidos na principal franja da sociedade hodierna, fazendo com que a sua presença online para aquisição gratuita, rápida e fácil seja também ela ampla.

Ubuntu e outras distribuições com o selo Linux

Naquilo que concerne às distribuições assinadas pela Linux, é possível que em muitos dos casos nem faça inclusive falta chegar a executar ou a descarregar, uma vez que muitos desses produtos estão desde logo incluídos no diretório dos repositórios. De qualquer forma, deixamos o link para fazer o download oficial da última versão do Ubuntu:


Com o Windows acontece exatamente o mesmo, ainda que neste caso específico seja imperativo efetuar sempre o download, que pode ser feito através de plataformas oficiais da companhia (Microsoft) ou até através de outros websites especializados neste tipo de serviços. Em qualquer caso, o processo será sempre bastante célere de concretizar sem problemas ou contratempos, podendo ser feito de forma igual com o link que agora disponibilizamos:

Link correspondente à última versão do Windows 10. De igual forma, podes encontrar versões para o Windows 7, Vista e To Go. Com este software, já poderás ter um instalador portátil em poucos passos e sem complicações.

Make a gOS USB Flash Drive using Windows

The following tutorial explains how we created a gOS USB Flash Drive using Windows and our Universal USB Installer. gOS is a Debian derivative based on Ubuntu with a unique Enlightenment desktop window manager (similar to what is used on Mac OS X 10.5 systems), making gOS a very attractive Linux package. Everex Computers offered at Walmart often ship with this intuitive Operating System pre-installed. Although the GUI takes a little getting used to, we enjoyed using gOS and think you will enjoy running it portably from a USB device as well. Its clean, simple, graphically appealing, elegant and fun to play with.

Cosa è Universal USB Instaler?

Installare un sistema operativo attraverso una memoria USB non è semplicemente come trasferire qualsiasi altro archivio, ma affinché il processo vada a buon fine devono seguirsi alcuni passaggi che assicurino la corretta installazione. Completando l’operazione correttamente si otterrà in pochi minuti il sistema operativo da installare senza CD metodo tradizionale ormai in disuso.

Universal USB Installer è un’applicazione che da la possibilità di caricare l’immagine ISO di un sistema operativo su una USB in modo che possa essere installato su qualsiasi unità a cui venga connesso in seguito. Sia il download del programma che quello delle ISO (Linus e Windows) si possono scaricare in modo facile e gratuito dai link che indicheremo nel seguito dell’articolo. Eseguito il download non resterà altro da fare che utilizzare il programma menzionato per passare l’immagine ISO alla pendrive.

YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator

YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer), is the successor to our MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot Bootable USB Flash Drive containing multiple operating systems, antivirus utilities, disc cloning – backup, penetration testing, diagnostic tools, and much more. YUMI makes it easy for anyone to create their very own custom All-In-One Multi use diagnostic USB PC Repair Toolkit.

Contrary to MultiBootISOs which used grub to boot ISO files directly from USB, YUMI uses syslinux to boot extracted distributions stored on the USB device, and reverts back to using grub to Boot Multiple ISO files from USB, if necessary.

Aside from a few distributions, all files are stored within the Multiboot folder, making for a nicely organized Portable Multiboot USB Drive that can still be used for other storage purposes.

YUMI was originally intended to be used to store and run various «LIVE Linux» Operating Systems and tools from USB. Using YUMI to install Linux from USB to a Hard Drive works on many but not all distributions. (I’m working to address this). If you find a distribution where the install does not work, please let me know.

A che serve?

Universal USB Installer permette di installare sistemi operativi attraverso una memoria USB utilizzando un software per la creazione di pendrive di backup o di installazione.

Il suo scopo principale dunque è quello di dare all’utente un modo per realizzare l’avvio di un sistema operativo senza la necessità di disporre di complicati strumenti o di unità di lettura ottiche, ormai poco aggiornati a causa dello scarso utilizzo.

Sistemi supportati

I sistemi operativi che si possono installare sono praticamente tutti, però le distribuzioni Linux e Windows sono le più utilizzate per il potenziale che offrono agli utenti.

Da un lato Linux permette un buon numero di funzioni e in quanto software totalmente libero di accedere a una serie di controlli che altri sistemi non consentono, dall’altro Windows è il sistema più utilizzato e che tutti conoscono.

Ecco la lista completa dei sistemi supportati

  • Ubuntu Desktop
  • Xubuntu Desktop
  • Kubuntu Desktop
  • Lubuntu Desktop
  • Edubuntu Desktop
  • Ubuntu Studio
  • Ubuntu Server Installer
  • Ubuntu Alternate
  • Mythbuntu Desktop
  • Blackbuntu
  • Debian Netinst
  • Debian Live
  • Kali Linux
  • Backtrack
  • OpenSUSE 32bit
  • OpenSUSE 64bit
  • Fatdog64
  • Lighthouse Puppy
  • Lucid Puppy
  • Precise Puppy
  • Puppy Arcade
  • Puppy 4.3.1
  • Racy Puppy
  • Slacko Puppy
  • Wary Puppy
  • DouDouLinux
  • Qimo 4 Kids 2.0
  • Sugar on a Stick
  • AOMEI (Disk Cloning and Backup Tool)
  • Acronis Rescue CD
  • Android
  • AntiX
  • Antergos
  • ArchBang
  • ArchLinux
  • ArtistX
  • Aurora
  • BackBox
  • Baltix Linux
  • BCCD
  • BlehOS
  • Bodhi
  • Boot Repair Disk
  • Carmedia
  • CentOS
  • Chakra
  • Clonezilla
  • Crunchbang
  • DBAN 2.2.X
  • Deft Linux
  • Deepin Linux
  • DRBL
  • DSL 4.4.10
  • Dreamlinux
  • Dynebolic
  • EASUS Disk Copy
  • EasyPeasy
  • Elementary OS
  • Elementary Unleashed
  • Feather Linux
  • Finnix
  • Fuduntu
  • Fusion Linux
  • Gamedrift
  • Gentoo
  • gNewSense
  • GRML
  • gOS gadgets
  • GParted
  • Jolicloud
  • Kiwi
  • Kororaa
  • KXStudio
  • Leeenux
  • Liberte
  • LinHES
  • Linux XP Like
  • LPS
  • Macbuntu
  • Mandriva One 2011
  • Matriux
  • MCNLive Toronto
  • Meego
  • MicroCore
  • Netrunner
  • Ophcrack
  • OSGeo Live
  • Pardus
  • PartedMagic
  • PCLinuxOS
  • Pear OS
  • Peppermint
  • PING
  • Pinguy OS
  • Plasma active
  • PLoP Linux
  • Porteus
  • Redo Backup
  • Rescatux
  • RIP Linux
  • Runt Linux
  • Sabayon Linux
  • SalineOS
  • Satux
  • Simply MEPIS
  • SLAX
  • SliTaZ
  • Sn0wL1nuX
  • SolusOS
  • System Rescue CD
  • Tails
  • Terralinux
  • TinyCore
  • Trisquel
  • Uberstudent
  • Ultimate Boot CD
  • Ultimate Edition
  • WifiWay
  • WifiSlax
  • xPUD
  • XBMC
  • XBMCbuntu
  • StartOS
  • wattOS R5
  • Zenwalk Live
  • Zorin OS
  • AOSS (Malware Scanner)
  • AVG Rescue CD
  • Avira Antivir Rescue Disk
  • Bitdefender Rescue CD
  • Comodo Rescue Disk
  • DrWeb LiveCD
  • F-Secure Rescue CD
  • G DATA Antivirus
  • Kaspersky Rescue Disk
  • Panda Safe CD
  • Trinity Rescue Kit
  • Falcon 4 Boot CD
  • Hiren’s Boot CD
  • Kon-Boot
  • Windows to Go (on VHD)
  • Windows Vista Installer
  • Windows 7 Installer
  • Windows 8 Installer

Si aggiungeranno altri programmi in futuro

Downloading the ISOs

Just as downloading the program to create the USB installer was simple, so too is downloading the ISO images you need for the operating systems themselves. It’s easy to obtain either Windows or Linux online due to their massive popularity.

Ubuntu and Other Linux Distributions

In regards to Linux, it’s possible that you may not even need to download them, since the repository may be included with the universal USB installer already. However, we’ll still give you the official download link for the latest version of Ubuntu:


Since Windows isn’t free, it likely isn’t available on the installer by default. However, it’s still easy to download, either by purchasing it through Microsoft or by other means. In any case, the process is often easy and quick, and you can get Windows through the following link:

Download link for the latest version of Windows 10. You can also find Windows 7 and Windows Vista. With this image and the installer software, you only need to follow a few more steps before your portable installer is ready.

Come funziona USB Installer: tutti i passi da seguire

Dando per scontato che già si abbia il il programma e l’immagine ISO del sistema operativo che si intende passare sulla USB, i passaggi da seguire sono molto semplici e si possono riassumere in:

  • Aprire il programma di installazione
  • Selezionare una delle opzioni della lista che indica i diversi sistemi operativi

Scegliere la pendrive che si vuole creare e cliccare per selezionarla in modo che venga portata a temine la creazione di una UBS di installazione o USB bootteable.

Requisiti tecnici

Quello di cui si avrà bisogno per iniziare la creazione della tua USB è di uso comune e facilmente reperibile. Quindi oltre al programma per creare la memoria saranno necessari:

  • 2 GB o più nella memoria USB
  • Microsoft Windows XP o successivo
  • 5 GB di spazio nella pendrive

How to Use the Universal USB Installer: Step by Step

Assuming you already have the program and your desired ISO image ready for mounting to the USB, the next steps are relatively simple, and can be summed up by the following:

  • Open the installer.
  • Select a Linux distribution or other operating system from the list.
  • Choose the flash drive where you’d like to mount the image to create a bootable USB drive or a USB installer.

Technical Requirements

The initial requirements aren’t very far-fetched for most people. In addition to the program itself, you only need few things:

  • At least 2GB of empty space on the USB flash drive.
  • Microsoft Windows XP or a later version of Windows.
  • A total of at least 5GB of space on the flash drive.

Creating a YUMI MultiBoot USB Flash Drive (Linux)

The following instructions were performed from an Ubuntu 16.04 host environment.

NOTE: YUMI persistence option is currently broken when using YUMI- within WINE. Don’t choose persistence and set the slider or the process will freeze while trying to build the persistent file and you will be forced to close YUMI.

I. Format your USB Flash Drive to use a Single Partition:

  1. Open a terminal and type
  2. Type (and note which device is your USB Drive)
  3. Type (replacing x with your actual usb device)
  4. Type (to delete the existing partition)
  5. Type (to create a new partition)
  6. Type (for primary partition)
  7. Type (to create the first partition)
  8. (to use the first cylinder)
  9. again (to use the default value as the last cylinder)
  10. Type (for active)
  11. Type (to mark the first partition active «bootable»)
  12. Type (for partition type)
  13. Type (to use fat32 partition)
  14. Type (to write the changes and close fdisk)

II. Create a Fat32 Filesystem on the USB Flash Drive:

  1. Type (to unmount the mounted partition)
  2. Type (to format the partition as fat32)
  3. Remove and reinsert your USB flash drive, or remount it

III. Install WINE:

  1. To install WINE from within an Ubuntu operating environment, open a terminal and type sudo apt install wine and press enter. Once WINE is installed, launch YUMI as you normally would by simply clicking the YUMI-

How YUMI Works: YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer) enables each user to create their own custom Multiboot UFD containing only the distributions they want, in the order by which they are installed. A new distribution can be added to the UFD each time the tool is run.

If you run YUMI from the same location you store ISO files, they should be auto-detected (*See Known Issues Below), eliminating the need to browse for each ISO.

Other Notes: If MultibootISOs was previously used, you must reformat the drive and start over. YUMI uses Syslinux directly, and chainloads to grub only if necessary, so it is not compatible with the older Multiboot ISO tool. Although I do plan to add back most of the capabilities of MultibootISOs as time permits.

Comment fonctionne Universal USB Installer : Pas à pas

Une fois le logiciel installé et l’image ISO du système que vous souhaitez avoir en USB, les étapes à suivre sont très simples et peuvent être résumées comme suit :

  • Ouvrez l’outil d’installation.
  • Sélectionnez l’une des options de la liste avec les différents systèmes d’exploitation ou les distributions Linux existantes.
  • Choisissez la clé USB où vous souhaitez créer le fichier et cliquez sur « suivant » pour terminer la création de votre installation USB.

Configuration requise

La configuration initiale requise est à la portée de la plupart des utilisateurs. Ainsi, en plus du programme nécessaire pour créer le fichier, nous avons besoin de :

  • 2 GB ou plus de mémoire sur le support USB
  • Microsoft Windows XP ou une version ultérieure
  • 5 Gb d’espace sur la clé USB

Bootable Software Tools

(USB Booting Tools and Extraction Software)


Universal USB Installer Universal USB Installer

PDL Casper-RW Creator PDL Casper-RW Creator Source Code

*No longer supported – MultiBootISOs

Syslinux – (By H. Peter Anvin) Bootloader that can be used to make a USB drive bootable.

Grub4DOS – the Gna! people.

7-Zip – Open Source utility that can be used to extract ISO’s and unzip files.

(Emulation Software Resources)

VirtualBox – Virtual machine emulation software.

coLinux – A port of the Linux Kernel to Windows (allows Linux to run as an application in windows).

QEMU – (By Fabrice Bellard) Virtual machine emulation software.

(Other Free «Not Open Source» but useful Tools)

HP USB Format Tool – A tool that can be used within Windows to format USB Devices (created by Hewlett-Packard)

Universal USB Installer – Easy as 1 2 3

Universal USB Installer aka UUI is a Live Linux Bootable USB Creator that allows you to choose from a selection of Linux Distributions to put on your USB Flash Drive. The Universal USB Installer is easy to use. Simply choose a Live Linux Distribution, the ISO file, your Flash Drive and, Click Install. Upon completion, you should have a ready to run bootable USB Flash Drive with your select operating system installed. Other features include; Persistence (if available) – Ubuntu, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu Casper Persistence feature works with FAT32 or NTFS formatted drives. Larger than 4GB casper-rw is possible only when the USB drive is formatted with the NTFS filesystem.

Descarga de ISOs

De igual manera que descargar el programa para crear el USB de instalación era sencillo, ocurre lo mismo con las imágenes ISO de los sistemas operativos. Como ya se ha dicho, ambos sistemas son altamente conocidos en el grueso de la sociedad, llevando esto a que su presencia online para la obtención gratuita de los mismos sea también amplia.

Ubuntu y otras distribuciones de Linux

En lo que se refiere a los de Linux, es posible que en muchos de los casos no haga falta incluso ni llegar a ejecutar dicha descargar, pues vendrán incluidos en la dirección de repositorios. De todos modos, os dejamos el link de descargar oficial de la última versión de Ubuntu:


Con Windows no ocurre lo mismo, ya que en este caso siempre habrá que efectuar una descarga, que bien puede ser a través de plataformas oficiales de la compañía o a través de otros sitios web. En cualquier caso, el proceso será también rápido de llevar a cabo sin contratiempos, pudiendo realizarlo de igual manera en el siguiente enlace:

Enlace a la última versión de Windows 10. También puedes encontrar Windows 7, Vista y To Go. Con este software, ya podrás tener tu instalador portable en pocos pasos.

YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator

YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer), is the successor to our MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot Bootable USB Flash Drive containing multiple operating systems, antivirus utilities, disc cloning – backup, penetration testing, diagnostic tools, and much more. YUMI makes it easy for anyone to create their very own custom All-In-One Multi use diagnostic USB PC Repair Toolkit.

Contrary to MultiBootISOs which used grub to boot ISO files directly from USB, YUMI uses syslinux to boot extracted distributions stored on the USB device, and reverts back to using grub to Boot Multiple ISO files from USB, if necessary.

Aside from a few distributions, all files are stored within the Multiboot folder, making for a nicely organized Portable Multiboot USB Drive that can still be used for other storage purposes.

YUMI was originally intended to be used to store and run various «LIVE Linux» Operating Systems and tools from USB. Using YUMI to install Linux from USB to a Hard Drive works on many but not all distributions. (I’m working to address this). If you find a distribution where the install does not work, please let me know.

Wie installiere ich das Betriebssystem?

Bei der Installation ist der Vorgang sehr einfach, weil der komplexeste Teil des gesamten Prozesses darin besteht, den USB mit dem von uns gewünschten Betriebssystem zu booten.

Es gibt hierfür mehrere Möglichkeiten, je nachdem, ob Sie das System neu auf einem PC installieren, eine Partition erstellen oder einfach das System nutzen wollen, ohne die zuvor auf der Maschine installierten Systeme zu verändern. Am verbreitetsten ist es jedoch, das Betriebssystem von Grund auf neu zu installieren, um es auf einem PC verwenden zu können, der bisher keine oder eine veraltete Version von Windows hatte.

Wie installiere ich Windows von USB?

Die Installation eines Windows-Betriebssystems über USB ist so einfach wie die Auswahl aus dem BIOS oder dem Boot-System des Computers, wo der USB-Stick als Boot-Option angezeigt wird, wenn er angeschlossen ist.

Sie müssen nur diese Einheit auswählen und warten, bis der PC den Rest der Erstellung abgeschlossen hat. Ein Verlauf, der daher sehr einfach, sehr schnell und sehr sinnvoll ist und sich durch eine geringe Wahrscheinlichkeit von Problemen oder Fehlern auszeichnet, wenn alle Systeme und Geräte kompatibel sind.

Dieser Vorgang wird für Windows 7 oder 10 und für andere Versionen des Microsoft-Betriebssystems wiederholt.

Wie installiere ich Ubuntu von USB?

Die Installation von Ubuntu und anderen Linux-Distributionen ist ebenfalls sehr einfach über USB möglich. Sie müssen keine zusätzlichen Handlungen durchführen, außer den Computer neu zu starten, wenn der Standard-USB-Speicher nicht erkannt wird. Sobald dies erledigt ist, öffnet sich das bekannte Installationsfenster und der Hergang kann sofort gestartet und geführt werden, sodass die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten auf ein Minimum reduziert werden.

Mögliche Probleme, die auftreten können

Es trifft zwar zu, dass Probleme bei dieser Art von Prozess wahrscheinlich nicht auftreten, vor allem wenn alle, wichtigen Anforderungen erfüllt sind. Sollte trotzdem ein Fehler auftreten, wird dies wahrscheinlich am Ende der Installation geschehen. In diesem Fall ist es ratsam, den Prozess erneut mit einem anderen ISO-Image als dem vorherigen zu starten.

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