Топ-10 лучших публичных dns-серверов, которые вы должны знать


Please keep the following in mind when deciding whether or not to run a public Tier 2 server, some considerations are involved.

  • Your server and network equipment, including your internet connection, must be reliable.
  • Typical bandwidth usage may only be a few-hundred MB/month, but without proper protection and rate limiting, a DDoS attack can easily put you into hundreds of gigabytes in a few days!
  • You will personally need to monitor your equipment and be willing to quickly resolve any failures. This includes having the knowledge to troubleshoot both hardware and software failures.
  • When your service becomes unavailable from the internet for more than two hours, you will receive an automated email warning. Please do not ignore these emails – you will only receive them when there is a problem.
  • Tier 2 servers will experience DDoS attacks. Please be sure to visit the Tier 2 Security page for information on how to mitigate these attacks. Other members will do what they can to provide assistance, however ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure that your own servers do not participate in man-in-the-middle or amplification attacks. You do not want to become part of an attack!
  • Various attacks will use up a lot of bandwidth. If your provider places data caps on your monthly internet usage, you may want to reconsider having a public service. Every attack is different, so no predictions can be on what your data usage will be each month – however as an example, attacks can continue for several months and have been known to blast up to 20Mb/s of queries to an individual server. If you wish to run a public service, be prepared for the worst!

We highly recommend you do not run a Tier 2 server on a home connection, for private usage, public usage or otherwise. Consider purchasing a VPS (Virtual Private Server) from a hosting company like DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, AWS, or Azure.

Website Visitors

Like most website operators, OpenNIC.org collects non-personally-identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. OpenNIC.org’s purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how OpenNIC.org’s visitors use its website and related services. From time to time, OpenNIC.org may release non-personally-identifying information in the aggregate, e.g., by publishing a report on trends in the usage of its website.

OpenNIC.org also collects potentially personally-identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. OpenNIC.org does not use such information to identify its visitors, however, and does not disclose such information, other than under the same circumstances that it uses and discloses personally-identifying information, as described below.

How you can help

The main thing anyone can do to help, is to become a member. Sign up here and join our mailing list! The other great thing you can do to help, is to spread the word, even if you do not use our TLDs, our DNS network is still the quickest around!

Contributions to the OpenNIC Wiki are welcomed. There is a lot to do: missing information needs to be added, articles need to be cleaned and rewritten, and other things. If you are willing to donate your time, as contributions to the OpenNIC Wiki, you can do this with four simple steps:

  1. Sign up at https://members.opennicproject.org/

  2. Log in (with the username and password you chose during sign up) at https://wiki.opennic.org/start?do=login&sectok=

  3. Start writing articles or update existing articles. Currently, there are no guidelines in place for writing articles. Feel free to design effective pages, conveying information clearly.
  4. Happy editing and a big thank you from the OpenNIC team!

Анализ поисковых запросов сайта

Приведённый выше отчёт по частотности использования поисковых запросов, может быть использован оптимизаторами сайта при составлении его семантического ядра и подготовке контента т.н. «посадочных страниц». Статистика поисковых запросов — обобщённая сгруппированная информация по «обращениям» пользователей к поисковой системе по ключевым запросам (фразам).
В большинстве случаев, наш сервис показывает уже сгруппированную информацию, содержащую не только подборку самых популярных слов (фраз), но и словосочетания + синонимы. Собранная в данном разделе статистика показывает по каким «ключевым словам» (поисковым запросам) пользователи переходят на сайт opennic.org.

Поисковый запрос – это слово или словосочетание, которое пользователь вводит в форму поиска на сайте поисковой системы, с учётом автоподбора и автоматического исправления в поиске ошибочного набора.

opennic:dot: wiki sub-pages

When creating a new TLD page, please use the following template whenever possible. This is not a strict policy, so if you think that you have a good layout, please use that and let us know and we will take a look.

====== .glue TLD ======
<short intro goes here>

===== Charter =====
<charter intro goes here>

==== Policies ====
  * You can use this TLD
  * You should use this TLD
  * You need to use this TLD
  * Use of this TLD is forbidden
  * The next statement is false
  * The previous statement is true

==== Contacts ====
  * Website: http://opennic.org/
  * IRC: [[https://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=%23opennic|#opennic]] on [[https://freenode.net/|freenode]]
  * Email: support@freenode.net
  * ...

Originally an OpenNIC TLD

Current Top-Level Domains

Name Introduction Master Contacts Website Intended Usage
.bbs 2000-12-29 ns6 Dustin Souers (texnofobix) register.bbs Bulletin Board System servers, and related BBS websites and services.
.chan 2015-10-21 ns5 opennic.chan A Top Level Domain “for imageboards and communities related to imageboard culture.”
.cyb 2017-08-14 ns12 Al Beanosy opennic.cyb, cyb.uptime.party (TLS) A TLD for cyberpunk-related content
.dyn 2014-05-30 ns2 Jeff Taylor be.libre Dynamic DNS pointers.
.epic 2019-09-03 ns13 Okashi opennic.epic, epic.okashi.me (TLS) A general purpose domain for anything “epic”
.geek 2008-02-18 ns2 Jeff Taylor be.libre Anything of a personal or hobbyist nature that would be considered “geeky”
.gopher ns2 Jeff Taylor be.libre Content delivery via the gopher protocol.
.indy ns2 Jeff Taylor be.libre Independent media and arts.
.libre 2017-01-03 ns2 Jeff Taylor be.libre Organizations that encourage the Non-Commercial use of the Free Internet.
.neo ns3 Neo register.neo General purpose, leaning towards themes present in the ’emo subculture’
.null ns10 Mario Rodriguez reg.null Completely non-commercial and only natural persons.
.o 2016-11-28 ns11 Jonah Aragon moderntld.com General purpose.
.oss ns2 Jeff Taylor be.libre Exclusively for Open Source Software.
.oz 2012-06-11 ns10 opennic.oz Australian websites (alt-ccTLD)
.parody ns2 Jeff Taylor be.libre This domain is a venue for non-commercial parody work.
.pirate ns2 Travis McCrea Internet Freedom and sharing.

Справка по разделу ‘Полная WHOIS информация по домену’:

WHOIS — сетевой протокол прикладного уровня, базирующийся на протоколе ТСР, предназначенный для получения публичной информации (регистрационных данных) о владельцах доменных имён, IP-адресов и автономных систем. Протокол используется для подачи автоматизированных запросов к публичным серверам WHOIS баз данных регистраторов, базам IP-адресов и регистраторов доменных имён. Доступ к информации, размещённой регистраторами в своих WHOIS-базах, при использовании пользователями технологического портала WHOIS.UANIC.NAME, формы подачи персонального запроса к информации, хранимой распределёнными WHOIS базами, обеспечивает пользователям нашего сервиса доступ в реальном времени к информации баз WHOIS, по индивидуальным, неавтоматизированным, запросам. Доступ к информации баз WHOIS через порт 43, позволяющий выполнять автоматизированные запросы, может быть предоставлен реселлерам UANIC в качестве дополнительного сервиса, по запросу.

Поиск полных контактных данных WHOIS владельца (регистранта) доменного имени, ответственного администратора доменного имени, технического и\или финансового контакта домена, а также первичной даты регистрации (делегирования домена), и ее истечения, серверах имен, и текущем статусе запрашиваемого домена, может быть бесплатно выполнен путём подачи пользователем запроса через форму поиска WHOIS информации, размещённую на данном сайте.

Базы данных WHOIS управляются в основном регистраторами и регистратурами. Отдел IANA корпорации ICANN управляет центральной регистратурой для всех видов интернет-ресурсов и указывает на сервер WHOIS ответственной (под)-регистратуры, а также на контактную информацию этой регистратуры, в случае, если она размещена публично. Существует полная и сокращённая форма предоставления регистраторами информации из WHOIS баз. Полнота и формат выдачи информации из WHOIS базы определяется отдельно каждым регистратором, на основании протокола RFC 3912.

Для получения информации пользователю необходимо указать в WHOIS-форме интересующее его доменное имя, и подать запрос, путём нажатия на кнопку WHOIS. Сведения, содержащиеся в базе WHOIS UANIC обновляются автоматически, кроме того, подлежат ручному обновлению с частотой не более 10 суток.

English version: https://whois.uanic.name/eng/opennic.org/

Peered Top-Level Domains

These TLDs are accessible from the OpenNIC network but not managed by OpenNIC, instead you should contact their respective organization.

Authority Name Intended Usage Master/Name Servers
Emercoin .bazar Free marketplace seed1.emercoin.com
.coin Digital currency and commerce websites seed1.emercoin.com
.emc Websites associated with the Emercoin project seed1.emercoin.com
.lib From Words Library and Liberty — that is, knowledge and freedom seed1.emercoin.com
FurNIC .fur Furries, Furry Fandom and other Anthropormorphic interest websites ns11.nic.fur
New Nations .ku Kurdish people ns1.new-nations.ku
.te Tamil Eelam ns1.new-nations.te
.ti Tibet ns1.new-nations.ti
.uu Uyghur people ns1.new-nations.uu
.ko Internal use ns1.new-nations.ko
.rm Internal use ns1.new-nations.rm

Отчёт: география и посещаемость сайта

Отчёт в графической форме показывает объём посещений сайта opennic.org, в динамике, с привязкой к географическому размещению активных пользователей данного сайта.
Отчёт доступен для сайтов, входящих в TOP-100000 рейтинга Alexa. Для всех остальных сайтов отчёт доступен с некоторыми ограничениями.

Alexa Rank – рейтинговая система оценки сайтов, основанная на подсчете общего количества просмотра страниц и частоты посещений конкретного ресурса. Alexa Rank вычисляется исходя из показателей за три месяца. Число Alexa Rank – это соотношение посещаемости одного ресурса и посещаемости прочих Интернет-порталов, поэтому, чем ниже число Alexa Rank, тем популярнее ресурс.

HTML верстка и анализ содержания сайта

Размещённая в данном блоке информация используется оптимизаторами для контроля наполнения контентом главной страницы сайта, количества ссылок, фреймов, графических элементов, объёма теста, определения «тошноты» страницы.
Отчёт содержит анализ использования Flash-элементов, позволяет контролировать использование на сайте разметки (микроформатов и Doctype).

IFrame – это плавающие фреймы, которые находится внутри обычного документа, они позволяет загружать в область заданных размеров любые другие независимые документы.

Flash — это мультимедийная платформа компании для создания веб-приложений или мультимедийных презентаций. Широко используется для создания рекламных баннеров, анимации, игр, а также воспроизведения на веб-страницах видео- и аудиозаписей.

Микроформат — это способ семантической разметки сведений о разнообразных сущностях (событиях, организациях, людях, товарах и так далее) на веб-страницах с использованием стандартных элементов языка HTML (или XHTML).

Test Your Setup

It is time to see if everything works. Run the srvzone script again, but this time do not include the debug flag (-d)…

sudo ./srvzone

If BIND9 was not already running, you will likely get an error from rndc. Let’s restart BIND to make sure everything is running now:

/etc/init.d/bind9 restart

And finally we’ll issue a command to test lookups:

dig NS geek. @

This should produce a list of several nameservers that can be used to query the .geek zone. At the bottom you should see an entry for SERVER which shows your IP address – if not, check troubleshooting below.

If you are setting up a public server and wish to confirm it is responding properly to queries from the internet, visit http://report.opennicproject.org/t2log/t2.php and enter your IP address. If you are using a firewall or port-forwarding, make sure that you are allowing port 53 on both UDP and TCP. If the testing passes for everything but dns.opennic.glue, you are almost certainly not allowing traffic over TCP.


OpenNIC namespaces

These TLDs are currently served by OpenNIC and were constructed with the approval of the OpenNIC community.

Name Intended use Date introduced Restrictions Notes Status
.bbs Bulletin Board System servers, and related BBS websites and services. 2000-12-29 Domain must provide BBS type services. Manual Registration
.chan A Top Level Domain «for imageboards and communities related to imageboard culture.» 2015-10-21 Active
.cyb Cyberpunk-related content. 2017-08-14 Active
.dyn Dynamic DNS pointers. 2014-05-30 Only A, AAAA, and TXT records can be modified. Unused domains are removed after 28 days. Active
.epic General purpose domain for anything of an «epic» nature. 2019-09-03 Active
.free Organizations that encourage the Non-Commercial use of the Free Internet. Non-Commercial use only. No new registrations accepted. Moved to .libre following ICANN addition of .free. Currently still resolving. Dropped
.geek Anything of a personal or hobbyist nature that would be considered «geeky» 2008-02-18 Active
.gopher Content delivery via the gopher protocol. Must serve content via the gopher protocol. Active
.indy Independent media and arts. Active
.libre Organizations that encourage the Non-Commercial use of the Free Internet. 2017-01-03 Non-Commercial use only. Successor to .free after the introduction of .free on the ICANN namespace. Active
.neo General purpose. Usage should lean towards themes present in the ’emo subculture’ Manual Registration
.null Miscellaneous. Non-Commercial use only. Only natural persons may hold a .null domain. Active
.o General purpose. 2016-11-28 Prohibits domain squatting and spam usage. Active
.oss Open Source Software. Active
.oz Australian websites (alt-ccTLD) 2012-06-11 Active
.parody Parody websites. Non-Commercial use only. Active
.pirate Internet Freedom and sharing. Active

Peering agreements

OpenNIC provides resolution of select other alternative DNS roots.

Name Intended use Date Introduced Notes Peer Authority Status
.bazar free marketplace Emercoin Active
.bit Namecoin systems, websites and services Depeered due to disagreements between the OpenNIC and Namecoin projects. Namecoin Dropped
.coin digital currency and commerce websites Emercoin Active
.emc websites associated with the Emercoin project Emercoin Active
.fur Furries, Furry Fandom and other Anthropormorphic interest websites 2003-11-? Originally an OpenNIC TLD, now operated by FurNIC. FurNIC Active
.ku Kurdish people New Nations Active
.lib From Words Library and Liberty — that is, knowledge and freedom Emercoin Active
.te Tamil Eelam New Nations Active
.ti Tibet New Nations Active
.uu Uyghur people New Nations Active

New Nations

New Nations provides TLDs for nation-states that are not recognized by the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard, and therefore haven’t received their own ccTLD. Currently they provide .ku (Kurdish people), .te (Tamil Eelam), .ti (Tibet), and .uu (Uyghur people).


FurNIC aims to bring a unique identity to Furries, Furry Fandom, and other Anthropomorphic interest websites across the internet. FurNIC and OpenNIC work closely, with .fur (Furry fandom) generally being treated as part of OpenNIC for most purposes, rather than a separate peer entity.


OpenNIC resolves .bit (Namecoin) domains through the use of a centralized server which generates a DNS zone from the Namecoin blockchain. Access is provided through a Tier 1 server which bridges the OpenNIC system and Namecoin.

Some OpenNIC DNS servers make use of a Spamhaus-maintained blacklist of malicious .bit domains.


On January 15, 2015, domains registered in Emercoin’s blockchain became accessible to all users of OpenNIC DNS. Emercoin DNS supports the domain zones .coin, .emc, .lib and .bazar. However, Emercoin DNS records can be registered/maintained from within the Emercoin software, and not as part of OpenNIC’s management system.

Name Intended use Restrictions Notes Status
.opennic.glue Provides hostnames for Tier 1 DNS servers and organizational websites and services.[citation needed] Domains cannot be registered. Domains are granted to each Tier 1 server operator or upon approval of the OpenNIC community. Example: «ns2.opennic.glue» Active
.dns.opennic.glue Provides hostnames for Tier 2 DNS servers on the OpenNIC network. Domains cannot be registered. Domains are automatically created upon the approval of a Tier 2 server. Example: «ns1.any.dns.opennic.glue» Active

Getting the script

This script will automatically generate a file for BIND9 that lists all of the OpenNIC zones and their master servers. The conf file needs to be located in the same directory as the script. For convenience, you may wish to place these files in /etc/bind/ (or wherever your distribution places your BIND9 configuration). Run the following commands to download the files.

chown bind.bind srvzone
chmod 700 srvzone

Now edit srvzone.conf with your preferred editor. You will see a section with paths for several files, which can be changed to match your configuration. The first three entries dictate where BIND will store the zone files. Note that file_master does not apply to Tier 2 servers. In the example paths given, note that $TLD will be expanded to each zone name as it is created – so for example the string “$TLD.zone” would save the .geek zone as “geek.zone”. The destination variable indicated where you want the final zone configuration file to be stored, and tmp_dest is just a temporary location to create new files.

Make sure the folder where you wish to store the files has been created. In the example srvzone.conf file, zones would be stored in /etc/bind/opennic/ so you want to create that folder and change the permissions to allow your bind user full access to read and write it.

If you’re using an apparmour-enabled distro, such as debian or ubuntu, the /etc/bind directory will not be writeable by default. This is because BIND work directory has been moved to /var/cache/bind. In order to persist zones in such systems you will need to do EITHER of the following:

  • Add an apparmour exception to /etc/bind/opennic (Add /etc/bind/opennic/* rw, to /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named)
  • Edit srvzone.conf to point zones to /var/cache/bind instead of /etc/bind

Regardless of which one you may choose, remember to create the required directories with proper permissions, because BIND won’t create the missing directories for you.

If you are a Tier 1 operator, please briefly skip to the Tier 1 Operators section at the bottom of this page.

Now we are ready to test out the script…

sudo ./srvzone -d

The script should run in less than 10 seconds, then will output the values you gave for the variables above. If there are any errors reported, check the values in the last section of srvzone.conf and make sure the commands on your system are in the same locations.

Once the script runs without errors, check the generated output file at the location you specified in tmp_dest (/tmp/named.conf.opennic). You should have a file beginning with the root zone, and containing all of the OpenNIC TLD zones, configured to slave each of these zones and listing the master servers for each zone.


.chan is established for use by imageboards, as any content or communities inspired by or pertaining to imageboard culture. A .chan domain name can be utilized as either an alternative domain to any previously existing community, or as the domain to a new community. Aforementioned domains may be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.


Registration is available to all eligible individuals. An individual may register a domain on the behalf of any non-human entity, and for the purposes of this charter is entitled to the rights, as well as held to the restrictions, of a singular person. Registrants are asked to only register domain names they intend to use; attempts to “domain park” or otherwise hoard domains will be scrutinized and may result in the denial of your registration request. For the sake of maintaining sanity, only the hostmaster needs to approve the registration of a domain.


All eligible individuals with a registered domain will be entitled to one vote on major organizational decisions. A proposal to vote on may be put forward by any individual or group of individuals through our electronic mailing list. The proposal will be available to review, discuss and debate for a period of 48 hours, during which the proposal may be amended as seen fit by the proposal’s writer or writers. Once this debate period ends, the writer or writers of the proposal must indicate that they have discarded the proposal, request a 24-hour extension of the debate period, or put the proposal to vote. If a vote to extend the debate period passes, a further 24 hours will be alloted to he debate period before a final indication must be made to drop the proposal or put it to vote. Should the proposal be dropped, the debate ends and the proposal is discarded. Should the proposal be put to vote, all members will have 48 hours to cast a “Yay” or “Nay” vote on the proposal. After 48 hours, all absent votes will be registered as abstentions and the winner will be determined by a simple majority of all non-abstaining voters. Once the results have been announced, the proposal will go into effect as policy and will be enforced by the relevant individuals in the organization.


Provided the proposal in question does not bring this document in conflict with OpenNIC Policy, this document may be edited or amended by a proposal should the proposal to do so pass.


  • Website: http://opennic.chan/

  • IRC: #.chan on freenode

  • Email — Hostmaster: hostmaster@opennic.chan
  • Email — Report Abuse: abuse@opennic.chan
  • Email — Webmaster: webmaster@opennic.chan

— Copied from http://opennic.chan/Charter 2017-06-29T04:45:SZ

How can I run a Tier 2 server?

We have a list of tutorials at Tier 2 Setup to help you get started! You’ll need a Linux machine (server), and you’ll probably want to install .

Can I run it from home?

We don’t recommend you run it from a home connection, unless you have a high bandwidth and low latency connection with no bandwidth caps. Low WAN latency is important for running a DNS server, because the server itself is in charge of lookups, and high latency (e.g. on a home connection) can slow down requests dramatically compared to a server hosted with a low-latency connection in a datacenter. This graphic is a vast oversimplification of the DNS process but demonstrates why hosting at home is rarely a good idea:

The first graphic is an example of a Tier 2 server hosted at home. It needs to make numerous requests to “Authoritative” DNS servers, which are slowed down by the latency of the home connection. The second graphic has a higher latency between the user and the Tier 2 server, because it’s outside the LAN, but the speed increases when communicating with Authoritative servers create a faster experience overall.

Anything I should be aware of?

Public Tier 2 servers are very likely to be used in an amplification attack. This is the threat you need to be the most aware of as a Tier 2 operator. Make sure you read the Tier 2 Security guidelines to ensure your server and network is fully protected.

Informal Discussions (Getting Feedback)

OPTIONALLY: You may wish to informally request feedback from the community and experienced members before pushing your TLD proposal to a formal discussion. While not required, it can help you prepare for your TLD proposal by satisfying some requests the community has before official judging.

  • Consider starting a discussion on the #opennic IRC channel on Freenode to get faster feedback from some experienced members of the community. Make sure you stick around on the channel throughout the discussion to answer any questions some may have.
  • You can also start a new thread on the Mailing List with a brief description of your TLD, ensuring it is clear this is just an informal discussion on the matter. Make sure you are available to answer questions and take advice from the community, which you may be able to implement either technically or in your charter before a formal discussion.

Configuration Options

There are a number of configuration methods available to run your server.

Root-Hints Method (BIND)

Consider using the BIND root-hints method if you want:

  • Easy configuration
  • No local maintenance required
  • A private-use Tier 2

The root-hints method is strongly discouraged when running a public server, because it creates unnecessary strain on our infrastructure. If you are going to run a publicly listed server, you must run one a slaved zone method.

Slave Zone Method (BIND)

Consider using the BIND slaved zone method if you want:

  • Local redundancy of zone files.
  • Minimize the number of queries sent to other servers.
  • No reliance on other OpenNIC servers for resolving OpenNIC domains.
  • Have a special case where you want to resolve OpenNIC domains but also need to resolve local network entries.
  • To run a public Tier 2 server.

This method creates a local copy of the root zone and all of OpenNIC’s TLDs, and is the best way to contribute to our network.

Automated Slave Zones

There are some automated scripts that allow you to keep your slave BIND server always up-to-date, often requiring just a single command or minor configuration to get up and running. This is the recommended way to setup a new Tier 2 server unless you know you specifically need another setup.

  • Srvzone method: Automated script for BIND9 by Jeff Taylor.
  • DigitalOcean User Data: Automated installation for DigitalOcean Droplets (modified Srvzone with DigitalOcean Metadata) by Jonah Aragon

  • Ansible Method: Automated using method setting up slave zones using Ansible by Timothy Rogers

Windows Server

We highly discourage public Windows Tier 2 servers, but these guides exist if you require running it in a LAN, Corporate Network, etc.

  • Windows 2012 (r2) shortly.

Building your TLD

BEFORE you begin a proposal, you MUST meet the following requirements:

  • You MUST have an operational (unlisted) Tier 1 DNS server. This server must mirror the root data of the root “.” zone and all the zone data for each OpenNIC TLD. This server MUST pass the Tier 1 server test: http://report.opennicproject.org/t2log/t1.php

  • You MUST have a website accessible at www.opennic.[TLD] with the following information:

    • A copy of your charter (detailed below in this document)
    • Information on how to register a new domain
    • Administrative contacts
  • You MUST accept and process emails to the following addresses, and they must be listed on your website detailed above.

    • hostmaster@opennic.[TLD] — SHOULD be delivered to the DNS administration team for your TLD.
    • abuse@opennic.[TLD] — SHOULD be delivered to your abuse handling team (dealing with spam, malware, or other charter violators)
    • webmaster@opennic.[TLD] — SHOULD be delivered to the web presence team for your TLD.
  • You MUST publish and enforce a charter, which satisfies the following requirements:

    • Your charter MUST clearly explain the purpose of your TLD (possibly including a brief description and/or examples of domains and content to be hosted)
    • It MUST include a description of content that will not be allowed on your domain (for example: trademarked names, malware hosts)
    • It SHOULD NOT conflict with existing OpenNIC policies.
    • It SHOULD include descriptions on how amendments to your charter will be handled. If no amendment clauses are included, changes will be handled in accordance to the current OpenNIC voting policies.

Additionally, you MUST meet the following requirements before proposing your TLD to the community:

You MUST have a process for users to register domains. Domain registrations SHOULD be provided free of charge, and an automated domain registration system is RECOMMENDED.

Propósito de los DNS

Artículo principal:  DNS

Este es un sistema de nombramiento jerárquico para asociar las direcciones de los dominios con sus nombres. Su función más importante es la de traducir (resolver) nombres inteligibles para los humanos en identificadores binarios asociados con los equipos conectados a la red, con el propósito de poder localizar y direccionar estos equipos mundialmente, independientemente de la localización física de estos. Actualmente la ICANN es el único ente que administra los números IP y los TLD de manera oficial.

AlterNIC fue creada en 1995 en respuesta a la aplicación por parte de la empresa privada NSI de cargos anuales a los registros de dominios, que hasta entonces habían sido gratuitos y como forma de luchar contra el monopolio que se instauró y que sigue existiendo en 2014.


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