How to install and use exiftool on linux

Как пользоваться ExifTool?

Программа ExifTool не имеет пользовательского графического интерфейса. Работа с утилитой осуществляется посредством команд, вводимых через консоль (командную строку) Windows. Исполняемый файл «exiftool.exe» также может работать самостоятельно. Все команды (при использовании через Windows-консоль) имеют примерно следующий вид:

exiftool.exe *FILE*

Более подробную информацию по всем командам можно получить из справки, автоматически выводимой на экран при запуске через командную строку файла «exiftool.exe» без каких-либо параметров.

Для работы утилиты в самостоятельном режиме исполнимый файл «exiftool.exe» следует переименовать, добавив к нему специфические параметры (также описаны в справке). Например, если дать ему название «exiftool(-k -a -u -g1 -w txt).exe», а затем поместить мышкой поверх него файл, метаданные которого нужно считать, программа на выходе создаст текстовый TXT-документ со всей полученной информацией.

Changelog 1.4.1 bugfix

  • Fix: Issue #38 «Copy from selected image» adds leading space character for strings. All strings now «trim»-med, removing leading/trailing spaces.
  • Fix: Issue #42 When running on java 9 or above. You get a warning: «WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance». No problem at all and absolutely no performace impact (stupid log4j warning), but now the jar is converted to a «multi-version» jar.

previous 1.4.0

  • Add «add favorites/load favorites» to «Your Commands» tab and to «Exiftool Database» tab. You can save your favorite exiftool commands and/or queries to the database.
  • Add option to configure and use RAW image viewer: For all images (clunky on McOS as MacOS wants it own viewer), or only for raw images. Other formats (txt/audio/video/etc) will be opened according mime-type with their default app (if installed).
  • Linux: Set default font to SansSerif instead of Linux/java default Dialog bold. (Will be configurable for MacOS/Windows/Linux in 1.5)
  • Fix: Issue #36: Fix linewrap in exif:description and xmp:description.
  • Fix: Issue #37: Tif(f) files not previewed. They are now differently handled based on java version.
    • tiff images with preview/thumbnail images inside are displayed (this was already working).
    • tiff images without preview/thumbnail inside can only be displayed on java V11 or higher. Use a «full jre» version (comes with V11) or install V11 or newer.
  • Add «update» function. This new 1.4 does an extension on the database. You don’t want to lose your user data (currently only lens configs if applicable)
  • Internal: add program icon to all windows (top-left)(not on MacOS as MacOS does not allow it).
  • Internal: DB diagram was displayed in external browser window. Is now displayed in internal scroll panel. It is «uncoupled» from the main window so you can keep it open.


In general MiniExiftool is very intuitive to use as the following examples show:

# Reading meta data from a file
photo = 'photo.jpg'
puts photo.title

# Alternative reading meta data from an IO instance
photo = io
puts photo.title

# Writing meta data
photo = 'photo.jpg'
photo.title = 'This is the new title'

# Copying meta data
photo ='photo.jpg')
photo.copy_tags_from('another_photo.jpg', :author)

For further information about using MiniExiftool read the
in the project root folder and have a look at the examples in directory


The target reads all tags found in a batch of sample images and
parses the results.

Using :

Read 2236 unique tags from 3011 files.Parsing took 16191ms (5.4ms / file)Parsing took 27141ms (9.0ms / file)Parsing took 12545ms (4.2ms / file)

Using the npm package takes 7x longer (and doesn’t work on Windows):

Reading 3011 files...Parsing took 85654ms (28.4ms / file)

Using ExifTool’s batch mode means we can reuse a single
instance of ExifTool across many requests, dropping response latency
dramatically as well as reducing system load.

To avoid overwhelming your system, the singleton is configured with a
set to a quarter the number of CPUs on the current system (minimally
1); no more than instances of will be spawned. If the
system is CPU constrained, however, you may want a smaller value. If you have
very fast disk IO, you may see a speed increase with larger values of
, but note that each child process can consume 100 MB of RAM.


We can download the exiftool for Windows operating systems from the following URL. This zip file provides a single executable file without any installation.

We just need to extract the file with WinZip, 7zip, WinRAR etc.


The Syntax of the exiftool is like below. We can see that there is 4 different syntax for different use cases like reading metadata, writing metadata, copying metadata and other operations.

exiftool Syntax

List All Metadata of Given Image/File

We can list all metadata by providing the file we want to inspect. In this example, we will list all metadata of . As we can see this is a png file which is an image format.

List All Metadata

As we can see there are a lot of metadata from a simple png file.

  • specifies the version of the tool which is 11.10.
  • specifies the name of the file which is “Tux.png”.
  • specifies the path which is the current working directory.
  • specifies the size of the given file which is 37 kB.
  • specifies the modification date and time which is “2019:03:13 05:45:32-07:00”.
  • specifies the access date and time which is “2019:03:13 05:45:32-07:00”.
  • specifies the Inode or disk change date and time which is  “2019:03:13 05:45:32-07:00”.
  • specifies current user, group, and other permissions of the file which is .
  • specifies the type of the file which is `PNG` in this case.
  • specifies the extension of the file which is “png” in this example.
  • specifies the mime code of the file which is “image/png” in this example.
  • specifies the width pixel count of the given image which is 300 in this case.
  • specifies the height pixel count of the given image which is 354 in this case.
  • specifies the pixel bit or quality which is 8 bit in this example.
  • specifies the color representation which is “RGB with Alpha” in this case.
  • specifies the compression type of the given image which is “Deflate/Inflate” in this example.
  • specifies the filter type.
  • specifies the RGB representation which is  “255 255 255”.
  • specifies the date the image modifies in original which is “2018:12:25 19:33:00”.
  • specifies the creation date and time of the original image “2018-12-25T19:33:00+00:00”.
  • specifies the modification date and time of the original image “2018-12-25T19:33:00+00:00”.
  • specifies the megapixel or pixel count in a mega format which is 0.106 in this case.

Export Metadata Into HTML File

We can export metadata of given files or images into an HTML file format with the option. In this example, we will export metadata of into HTML name Tux.html.

Export Metadata Into HTML File

List Metadata In CSV Format

We can print given file and images metadata in CSV format. This can be a single file or image or a whole directory which can contain multiple files and image. In this example, we will print

List Metadata In CSV Format

List Specific Metadata

We can also list and print specific metadata by using command. In this example, we will print metadata.

List Specific Metadata

Write/Set/Change Metadata

We can also write or overwrite metadata of the given file. In this example, we will overwrite the metadata of . We will use the option and provide the metadata we want to change or set with the metadata value.

Metadata panel

WorkspaceWorkspace managerWorkspaceWorkspace

Edit metadata in Workspace

WorkspaceClick on tag line you wish to modify
Press Enter key or click into Value edit field (which becomes yellow)
Write tag value and press Enter key when you’re done (or press Esc key to cancel editing)
Tag name you’ve previously selected becomes yellow and contain value you’ve just written
If needed, pick another tag and repeat process
Note:Undo selected editingWorkspaceNote:When you’re finished with editing metadata values, click on Save button.
a bitLargeEditing tags which names ends with ± characterbird+flight-bird+nature+daylight+sky-water-treeNote:Advice:

Pop-up menu in Metadata panel

MetadataNote:Note:Metadata languagePreferencesExifTool standard (short)Fill in default valuesWorkspace*Workspace managerUndo selected editingWorkspaceAdd tag to WorkspaceExif, XmpIptcWorkspaceWorkspaceWorkspace managerRemove tag from WorkspaceWorkspaceAdd tag to Custom viewWorkspaceCustomRemove tag from Custom viewCustomCustomCustomAdd tag to Filelist DetailsExif, XmpIptcDetails: User definedMark/Unmark tagWorkspaceWorkspaceNote:Exiftool standard (short)Preferences


ExifToolPhil Harvey-it shows more metadata tags than any other tool,
-it allows to edit almost any metadata tag,
-it is very secure to use, is regulary updated and has the best possible support.
-view all metadata that ExifTool recognizes,
-ability to edit most frequently used metadata tags,
-batch capability (where appropriate), means: you can select multiple files and modify them at once.
simple!Important change in ExifToolGUI v5.xxUTF-8characters inside metadata will be shown properly, if metadata content is UTF-8 encoded
edited metadata values will be automatically saved in UTF-8 format

What’s all about?
It’s about displaying «foreign», country specific characters:
For Xmp metadata, UTF-8 charset is used as default charset since beginning, so nothing changes here. For Iptc metadata, UTF-8 charset has also become officially recommended. Right now, the only exception is Exif, which oficially doesn’t support UTF-8 yet. However, Metadata Working Group (MWG) organisation recommends using UTF-8 in Exif as well.and consequence
It can/will happen, that GUI will show some «weird» characters where country specific characters should appear -if at all, this can/will happen for existing Exif metadata content (i.e: Exif:Artist). If you notice this, then this means, metadata content isn’t UTF-8 encoded. Now, what you can do is, you can either:
-quit using GUI v5, or
-change/overwrite such tag content (which becomes UTF-8 encoded).
But be aware, that UTF-8 encoded Exif content might not be properly recognized by some other software… it’s your choice. Anyway, all this concerns only «foreign» characters: if you allready used «standard» alphabet (ASCII) characters only, then you won’t notice any difference.however
If really needed, then you can still enter «old» ANSI (non-UTF-8) encoded data by using -L option in ExifTool direct mode, i.e:
-and show such data in Log window, i.e.:
Obviously, such data won’t be displayed correctly in GUI Metadata panel, because here, UTF-8 encoded data is expected.

3. Как установить и использовать Exiftool на Ubuntu 17

Шаг 1 Чтобы установить Exiftool в Ubuntu, мы получаем доступ к терминалу и выполняем следующую команду:

 sudo apt установить libimage-exiftool-perl 

Мы принимаем загрузку и соответствующую установку пакетов Exiftool.

Шаг 2 Для визуализации метаданных объекта сначала нужно перейти в каталог, в котором он размещен, и использовать следующий синтаксис: exiftool «file», в этом случае мы боимся изображения на рабочем столе и будем использовать строку exiftool «Solvetic.jpg» и Нажав Enter, мы увидим следующее:

Мы можем детально увидеть каждый аспект выбранного изображения.

Шаг 3 Эту информацию можно экспортировать в файл HTML, используя следующий синтаксис:

 exiftool -h. > example.html 

Supported JPEG metadata

ExifTool can read, edit or create the following types of metadata in JPEG images:

JPEG Meta Information Can read? Can edit? Can create? Description
APP0 — JFIF Yes Yes Yes JPEG File Interchange Format
APP0 — JFXX Yes No No Extended JFIF
APP0 — CIFF Yes Yes No Camera Image File Format (used by some Canon models)
APP0 — AVI1 Yes No No JPEG AVI information
APP0 — Ocad Yes No No Photobucket Ocad segment
APP1 — EXIF Yes Yes Yes Exchangeable Image File Format (including maker notes)
APP1 — XMP Yes Yes Yes Extensible Metadata Platform (multi-segment)
APP1 — QVCI Yes No No Casio QV-7000SX QVCI information
APP1 — FLIR Yes No No FLIR thermal imaging data (multi-segment)
APP1 — RawThermalImage Yes No No Thermal image from Parrot Bebop-Pro Thermal drone
APP2 — ICC Yes Yes Yes International Color Consortium (multi-segment)
APP2 — FPXR Yes No No FlashPix Ready (multi-segment)
APP2 — MPF Yes No No Multi-Picture Format
APP2 — PreviewImage Yes No No Samsung APP2 preview image (multi-segment)
APP3 — Kodak Meta Yes Yes No Kodak Meta information (Exif-like)
APP3 — Stim Yes No No Stereo Still Image format
APP3 — PreviewImage Yes No No Samsung/HP preview image (multi-segment)
APP4 — Scalado Yes No No (presumably written by Scalado mobile software)
APP4 — FPXR Yes No No FlashPix Ready in non-standard location (multi-segment)
APP4 — PreviewImage Yes No No (continued from APP3)
APP5 — Ricoh RMETA Yes No No Ricoh custom fields
APP5 — Samsung UniqueID Yes No No Samsung Unique ID
APP5 — PreviewImage Yes No No (continued from APP4)
APP6 — EPPIM Yes No No Toshiba PrintIM
APP6 — NITF Yes No No National Imagery Transmission Format
APP6 — HP TDHD Yes No No Hewlett-Packard Photosmart R837 TDHD information
APP6 — GoPro Yes No No GoPro Metadata Format (GPMF) information
APP7 — Pentax Yes No No Pentax APP7 maker notes
APP7 — Qualcomm Yes No No Qualcomm Camera Attributes
APP8 — SPIFF Yes No No Still Picture Interchange File Format
APP9 — Media Jukebox Yes No No Media Jukebox XML information
APP10 — Comment Yes No No PhotoStudio Unicode Comment
APP11 — JPEG-HDR Yes No No JPEG-HDR compressed ratio image
APP12 — Picture Info Yes No No ASCII-based Picture Information
APP12 — Ducky Yes Yes Yes Photoshop «Save for Web»
APP13 — Photoshop IRB Yes Yes Yes Image Resource Block (multi-segment, includes IPTC)
APP13 — Adobe CM Yes No No Adobe Color Management
APP14 — Adobe Yes Yes Yes Adobe DCT filter
APP15 — GraphicConverter Yes No No GraphicConverter quality
COM Yes Yes Yes JPEG Comment (multi-segment)
DQT Yes No No (used to calculate the Extra:JPEGDigest tag value)
SOF Yes No No JPEG Start Of Frame
AFCP trailer Yes Yes No AXS File Concatenation Protocol (includes IPTC)
CanonVRD trailer Yes Yes Yes Canon DPP Recipe Data
FotoStation trailer Yes Yes No FotoWare FotoStation (includes IPTC)
PhotoMechanic trailer Yes Yes No Camera Bits Photo Mechanic
MIE trailer Yes Yes No Meta Information Encapsulation
Samsung trailer Yes No No Samsung Galaxy trailer
PreviewImage trailer Yes Yes Yes (preview image written after JPEG EOI)
EmbeddedVideo trailer Yes No No (extracted only with ExtractEmbedded option)
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