6 fixes for qtwebengineprocess issues


Unavailable Qt WebKit API

The Qt WebKit classes and methods in this list will not be available in Qt WebEngine.

QGraphicsWebView Qt WebEngine is designed for being used with hardware acceleration. Because we could not support a web view class in a QGraphicsView unless it would be attached to a QGLWidget viewport, this feature is out of scope.
QWebElement Qt WebEngine uses a multi-process architecture and this means that any access to the internal structure of the page has to be done asynchronously, any query result must be returned through callbacks. The QWebElement API was designed for synchronous access and this would require a complete redesign.
QWebDatabase The Web SQL Database feature that this API was wrapping in Qt WebKit was dropped from the HTML5 standard.
QWebPluginDatabase, QWebPluginFactory, QWebPluginInfo, QWebPage::setPalette, QWebView::setRenderHints Qt WebEngine renders web pages using Skia and is not using QPainter or Qt for this purpose. The HTML5 standard also now offers much better alternatives that were not available when native controls plugins were introduced in Qt WebKit.
QWebHistoryInterface Visited links are persisted automatically by Qt WebEngine.
QWebPage::setContentEditable In the latest HTML standard, any document element can be made editable through the attribute. So is all that is needed:
QWebPage::setLinkDelegationPolicy There is no way to connect a signal to run C++ code when a link is clicked. However, link clicks can be delegated to the Qt application instead of having the HTML handler engine process them by overloading the () function. This is necessary when an HTML document is used as part of the user interface, and not to display external data, for example, when displaying a list of results.

Note: starts the loading process and emits the signal before the request is accepted or rejected. Therefore, a signal that returns is to be expected even after delegating the request.

Using WebEngine Core

Qt WebEngine Core provides an API shared by Qt WebEngine and Qt WebEngine Widgets for handling URL requests issued for the networking stack of Chromium and for accessing its HTTP cookies.

Implementing the QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor interface and installing the interceptor on a profile enables intercepting, blocking, and modifying URL requests (QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo) before they reach the networking stack of Chromium.

A QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler can be registered for a profile to add support for custom URL schemes. Requests for the scheme are then issued to () as QWebEngineUrlRequestJob objects.

The QWebEngineCookieStore class provides functions for accessing HTTP cookies of Chromium. The functions can be used to synchronize cookies with QNetworkAccessManager, as well as to set, delete, and intercept cookies during navigation.

La eliminación de QtWebEngineProcess.exe es crucial si el archivo es malicioso

 Como ya hemos mencionado, QtWebEngineProcess es una parte legítima de Origin. Sin embargo, si ha estado causando errores en la aplicación, altos consumos de la CPU y similares problemas, puedes intentar eliminar QtWebEngineProcess del sistema y luego instalarlo de nuevo junto a Origin u otras aplicaciones relacionadas.

No obstante, los expertos en seguridad recomiendan comprobar la confiabilidad de este ejecutable para estar seguro de que su propósito no es ayudar a malwares a ejecutar tareas fraudulentas. El mejor diagnóstico para estos archivos sospechosos es una comprobación completa del sistema con alguno de estos programas: Reimage Reimage Cleaner Intego, SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner o Malwarebytes. Si el archivo es detectado como malicioso, estos programas se ocuparán de la eliminación de QtWebEngineProcess y también se desharán de los malwares relacionados.

Aún así, ten en cuenta que no deberías eliminar un archivo perfectamente seguro ya que esto puede afectar a los programas asociados. Asegúrate de mantener tus programas y sistemas actualizados para así poder evitar cualquier problema causado por archivos corruptos en el sistema. Para problemas relacionados con programas, busca las actualizaciones de controladores y programas con más frecuencia para así reducir la posibilidad de padecer esta clase de problemas.

QtWebEngineProcess is translated to Origin Client Service which sometimes can cause high CPU usage

QtWebEngineProcess is a legitimate executable file made to help certain Windows programs run properly. In most of the cases, it is related to Origin – a platform dedicated to gamers who seek to connect to their friends at the same time. However, the executable can also be used by these apps:

  • Chromium-based Qt WebEngine
  • Ring Central
  • Bitlord
  • Dropbox

While it is not a crucial system file, it should not be terminated if you want to ensure normal operation of the previously mentioned programs. However, at the same time, note that it is not a Windows component, so it can be removed if affects the performance of your device. If QtWebEngineProcess is taking a generous amount of the computer’s memory, you should try reinstalling the Origin app to get rid of this issue. You should also take into account the file should be checked with the security app to make sure it is not malicious. Keep in mind that malware developers have been misusing names of legitimate files to hide them on the system. If your anti-spyware didn’t find anything malicious, but you suspect the process is taking too long QtWebEngineProcess fix article will be helpful. 

Name QtWebEngineProcess
Type Executable file/Application file
Purpose Executable for certain programs, e.g. Dropbox, Origin, Bitlord, Ring Central
Location The file is mainly found in the Program Files subfolder. That should be the first thing you check to ensure that the executable is related to important application
Symptoms of malicious version Causes error messages, uses lots of computer’s resources
Distribution Comes together with legitimate apps; infiltrates with spam if malicious
Elimination Use Reimage Reimage Cleaner Intego to scan the system thoroughly and fix the damage

QtWebEngineProcess.exe system error has appeared in various discussions on the Internet after users started noticing that there are several versions of the same file running in the system’s background. Additionally, there have been numerous complaints about the file’s tendency to use high amounts of CPU. As one of such users claims:

Typically, reinstalling Origin and other related apps helps to bring everything to the place. However, if QtWebEngineProcess is taking high CPU can still be noticed, it is possible that this is related to the virus. Malware producers can easily misuse the name of this file to hide their malicious products on the system. The main signs showing that the file is malicious are the high consumption of PC’s resources and the system’s malfunction. 

The main facts about qt qtwebengineprocess:

  • Located in C:\Program Files subfolder;
  • Known to be up to 22,024 bytes in size on most Windows;
  • If safe, it should not use computer resources all the time.

If you have been struggling with this executable, you are supposed to determine the trustworthiness of this file before QtWebEngineProcess removal. You can do that by locating this process running on the Task Manager. Find its location (it should be found in C:\Program Files) and compare the size to the upper-mentioned facts. 

Users often complain that this executable process appeared on their system out of nowhere and that they have no idea why it is affecting the performance of their computer in such a significant way. According to researchers, ending the process does not help you fix QtWebEngineProcess.exe application error because, when associated applications run on the system, this process is relaunched once again. You need to uninstall related apps to remove QtWebEngineProcess completely.

Since this is an executable process related to several legitimate apps, removing it may affect the performance of some applications or services. Run a full system scan with Reimage Reimage Cleaner Intego to determine the trustworthiness of this executable and make sure that there is no malware inside.  

Static Public Members

QWebEngineProfile *

Detailed Description

A web engine profile contains settings, scripts, persistent cookie policy, and the list of visited links shared by all web engine pages that belong to the profile.

All pages that belong to the profile share a common QWebEngineSettings instance, which can be accessed with the () method. Likewise, the () method provides access to a common QWebEngineScriptCollection instance.

Information about visited links is stored together with persistent cookies and other persistent data in a storage returned by (). Persistent data is stored in a subdirectory set by calling (), and the cache is located in a subdirectory set by calling (). The cache type can be set to in-memory or on-disk by calling (). If only the storage name is set, the subdirectories are created and named automatically. If you set any of the values manually, you should do it before creating any pages that belong to the profile.

The cache can be cleared of links by calling () or (). describes whether session and persistent cookies are saved to and restored from memory or disk.

Profiles can be used to isolate pages from each other. A typical use case is a dedicated off-the-record profile for a private browsing mode. Using QWebEngineProfile() without defining a storage name constructs a new off-the-record profile that leaves no record on the local machine, and has no persistent data or cache. The () method can be used to check whether a profile is off-the-record.

The default profile can be accessed by (). It is a built-in profile that all web pages not specifically created with another profile belong to.

Implementing the QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor interface and registering the interceptor on a profile by () enables intercepting, blocking, and modifying URL requests (QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo) before they reach the networking stack of Chromium.

A QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler can be registered for a profile by () to add support for custom URL schemes. Requests for the scheme are then issued to () as QWebEngineUrlRequestJob objects.

Spellchecking HTML form fields can be enabled per profile by using the () method and the current languages used for spellchecking can be set by using the () method.

enum QWebEngineProfile::HttpCacheType

This enum describes the HTTP cache type:

Constant Value Description
Use an in-memory cache. This is the default if is set.
Use a disk cache. This is the default if the profile is not . If set on an profile will instead set .
Disable both in-memory and disk caching. (Added in Qt 5.7)

enum QWebEngineProfile::PersistentCookiesPolicy

This enum describes policy for cookie persistency:

Constant Value Description
Both session and persistent cookies are stored in memory. This is the only setting possible if is set or no persistent data path is available.
Cookies marked persistent are saved to and restored from disk, whereas session cookies are only stored to disk for crash recovery. This is the default setting.
Both session and persistent cookies are saved to and restored from disk.

Запущенный вредоносный процесс utcsvc.exe в диспетчере задач может маскироваться в компьютере

Utcsvc.exe — это исполняемый файл, который может запускать различные программы на Windows компьютере. Файл принадлежит корпорации Microsoft и может использоваться для некоторых системных процессов. Однако в большинстве случаев этот файл считается потенциально опасным.

Согласно данным VirusTotal, 12 из основных 55 антивирусных программ обнаруживают этот файл как вредоносный. Между тем, гибридный анализ обеспечивает еще более высокий уровень обнаружения. Кроме того, Emisisoft обнаружил более 100 файлов, связанных с utcsvc.exe, которые отмечены как ненадежные.

Нет сомнений, что этот файл может вызвать нежелательные действия на компьютере. Кажется, что он может быть использован для распространения вредоносных программ или троянов. В настоящее время неизвестно, какие кибер-угрозы может распространять или выполнять этот файл. Однако процесс utcsvc.exe может выполнять следующие задачи:

  • запустить на компьютере вымогателя;
  • зашифровать или удалить файлы;
  • установить шпионское программное обеспечение;
  • украсть персональную информацию, такую как банкивские данные, информацию о кредитной карте, логины и другую важную информацию;
  • установить другие вредоносные программы;
  • открыть задний вход для паразитов.

Поэтому, если вы заметили, что ваш компьютер странно работает, например, отображает системные предупреждения, затапливает браузер агрессивными объявлениями или вы не можете открыть некоторые из ваших файлов, вам нужно открыть диспетчер задач и искать запущенные процессы. Если вы видите utcsvc.exe, это может быть связано с этим процессом.

Однако перед удалением utcsvc.exe вы должны отсканировать этот исполняемый файл с помощью средств безопасности, чтобы убедиться, что он действительно вредоносный. Если этот файл не является опасным и вы его удалите, вы можете повредить свой компьютер, операционную систему или некоторые программы.

Имейте в виду, что для безопасного удаления utcsvc.exe необходимо использовать профессиональное программное обеспечение для удаления вредоносных программ. Вы можете выбрать Reimage Reimage Cleaner Intego, SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner или Malwarebytes для этой задачи.

Member Function Documentation

QWebEngineSettings *QWebEngineSettings::defaultSettings()

Returns the settings for a web engine page that belongs to the default profile. All web pages not specifically created with another profile belong to the default profile.

Returns the default text encoding.

See also ().

Returns the actual font family for the specified generic font family, which.

See also ().

Returns the default font size for type in pixels.

See also ().

void QWebEngineSettings::resetUnknownUrlSchemePolicy()

Removes the policy for handling navigation requests to URLs with unknown schemes.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.11.

See also and .

void QWebEngineSettings::setDefaultTextEncoding(const QString &encoding)

Specifies the default text encoding system.

The value of encoding must be a string describing an encoding such as «utf-8» or «iso-8859-1». If left empty, a default value will be used. For a more extensive list of encoding names see QTextCodec.

See also ().

Sets the actual font family to family for the specified generic family, which.

See also ().

Sets the font size for type to size in pixels.

See also ().

void QWebEngineSettings::setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy( policy)

Sets the policy for handling navigation requests to URLs with unknown schemes to policy. Default is .

This function was introduced in Qt 5.11.

See also and .

QWebEngineSettings::unknownUrlSchemePolicy() const

Returns the currently selected policy for handling navigation requests to URLs with unknown schemes. Default is .

This function was introduced in Qt 5.11.

See also and .

High DPI Support

To support High DPI devices, it is recommended that the application attribute is set to enable automatic scaling based on the pixel density of the monitor. In Qt WebEngine applications, the scaling affects the default zooming factor and scrollbar size.

For example:

int main(int argc, char *argv)
  QApplication app(argc, argv);

Qt WebEngine bundles images for normal and high-dpi resolutions into qtwebengine_resources_100p.pak and qtwebengine_resources_200p.pak files. Depending on the target resolutions, one or both of these files need to be deployed.

For more information, see High DPI Displays.

Notes about individual methods

runJavaScript (QWebEnginePage)

QWebFrame::evaluateJavaScript was moved and renamed as QWebEnginePage::runJavaScript. It is currently only possible to run JavaScript on the main frame of a page and the result is returned asynchronously to the provided functor.

Qt WebKit
QWebPage *page = new QWebPage;
qDebug() << page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("'Java' + 'Script'");
Qt WebEngine (with lambda expressions in C++11)
QWebEnginePage *page = new QWebEnginePage;
page->runJavaScript("'Java''' 'Script'", [](const QVariant &result){ qDebug() << result; });

setHtml and setContent (QWebEnginePage)

The QWebEnginePage::setHtml and QWebEnginePage::setContent methods perform asynchronously the same way as a normal HTTP load would, unlike their QWebPage counterparts.

What Is QtWebEngineProcess.exe?

The qtwebengineprocess.exe was originally made to support programs and help them run properly. It usually helps to run programs such as Origin or Dropbox.

However, it doesn’t have a digital signature, so it’s possible to be easily corrupted or missing if you click it. Even if this is the case, it’s not really a crucial file that may really affect how your computer runs.

Most malware would come in the shape of an executable file like this so it is possible that your qtwebengineprocess.exe is a virus. If it is a virus, it is usually found in the  C:\Windows\ or C:\Windows\System32.

How To Fix QtWebEngineProcess.exe

Fortunately, there are very easy ways to address this sort of problem with the easiest being to simply uninstall it. We’ll go over how to do that and also other methods you can use to solve issues relating to this as well.

1st Quick Video Fix

The PCRisk vlogger produced a video- and says that for other operating systems, this .exe file is known as BitLord or PlaysTv.

He provides a general fix for problems you might encounter with this web engine process:


2nd Quick Video Fix

A gamer produced a video demonstrating the error and in the comments section included this fix:

“The fix for this is to use Origin in Compatibility mode, select Windows XP SP3 and you will not crash Origin anymore.”


3rd Fix (Delete/Uninstall)

  1. Check the QtWebEngineProcess.exe in the Program Files folder under Disk C:\. If you find it there, delete it.
  2. If you can’t find it there, boot up Task Manager and go to Processes.
  3. Look for the QtWebEngineProcess.exe and right click on it. Select Open File Location.
  4. Once you’re led to the program that houses the QtWebEngineProcess.exe (let’s say Dropbox), delete or uninstall it.

4th Fix (Data Execution Prevention)

Here is another way to look for the QtWebEngineProcess.exe:

  1. Right click on the My Computer button.
  2. Click on Advanced System Settings.
  3. Click the Performance button and click Data Execution Prevention.
  4. Click the Turn on DEP for All Programs and Services option.
  5. Click on Add and then select the QtWebEngineProcess.exe file.
  6. Click Open then Ok.

After you reboot your computer, the problem should already be fixed.

5th Fix (Virus?)

If that doesn’t fix the problem, it might be a virus and you may want to do a full virus scan. Here’s how:

  1. Open up Windows Defender or any third party antivirus that may have installed into your computer.
  2. Do a full scan of the computer to check for a virus.
  3. Delete any viruses that the antivirus may have looked up.

6th Fix (DISM)

If that still doesn’t work, you can also perform an OS repair through a DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) scan. Here’s how:

  1. Click on “Run as Administrator”.
  2. Type the code “DISM /Online /Cleanup=Image/RestoreHealth.
  3. Press Enter.

After you do this scan, you shouldn’t be having any more issues that are related to the QtWebEngineProcess.exe process.

Property Documentation

hasSelection : const bool

This property holds whether this page contains selected content or not.

By default, this property is .

Access functions:


See also ().

icon : const QIcon

This property holds the icon associated with the page currently viewed.

By default, this property contains a null icon.

This property was introduced in Qt 5.7.

Access functions:


Notifier signal:


See also (), (), and ().

iconUrl : const QUrl

This property holds the URL of the icon associated with the page currently viewed.

By default, this property contains an empty URL.

Access functions:


Notifier signal:


See also (), (), and ().

selectedText : const QString

This property holds the text currently selected.

By default, this property contains an empty string.

Access functions:


See also () and ().

title : const QString

This property holds the title of the page as defined by the HTML element.

Equivalent to ().

Access functions:


See also ().

url : QUrl

This property holds the URL of the web page currently viewed.

Setting this property clears the view and loads the URL.

By default, this property contains an empty, invalid URL.

Access functions:


See also () and ().

zoomFactor :

This property holds the zoom factor for the view.

Valid values are within the range from to . The default factor is .

Access functions:

Detailed Description¶

class (parent=Q_NULLPTR)

Constructs an empty web view with the parent .

See also


Convenience slot that loads the previous document in the list of documents built by navigating links. Does nothing if there is no previous document.

It is equivalent to:


See also


type –

Return type

This function is called from the method of the associated each time the page wants to create a new window of the given . For example, when a JavaScript request to open a document in a new window is issued.


If the method of the associated page is reimplemented, this method is not called, unless explicitly done so in the reimplementation.

See also

(arg__1, arg__2, arg__3)
  • arg__1 – unicode

  • arg__2 –

  • arg__3 –

(subString, options=QWebEnginePage.FindFlags())
  • subString – unicode

  • options –


Convenience slot that loads the next document in the list of documents built by navigating links. Does nothing if there is no next document.

It is equivalent to:


See also

Return type
Return type

Returns a pointer to the view’s history of navigated web pages.

It is equivalent to:

Return type

arg__1 –

Return type

arg__1 –


url –


request –


arg__1 –


progress –

Return type

Returns a pointer to the underlying web page.

See also


action –

Return type

Returns a pointer to a that encapsulates the specified web action .


Reloads the current document.

See also

(terminationStatus, exitCode)
  • terminationStatus –

  • exitCode –

Return type


(data, mimeType=»», baseUrl=QUrl())
  • data –

  • mimeType – unicode

  • baseUrl –

Sets the content of the web view to . If the argument is empty, it is assumed that the content is .

External objects referenced in the content are located relative to . For external objects to be loaded, cannot be empty.

The data is loaded immediately; external objects are loaded asynchronously.

See also

(html, baseUrl=QUrl())
  • html – unicode

  • baseUrl –

Sets the content of the web view to the specified content.

External objects, such as stylesheets or images referenced in the HTML document, are located relative to . For external objects to be loaded, cannot be empty. For example, if is retrieved from , which is the base URL, then an image referenced with the relative URL, , should be at .

The HTML document is loaded immediately, whereas external objects are loaded asynchronously.

When using this method, Qt WebEngine assumes that external resources, such as JavaScript programs or style sheets, are encoded in UTF-8 unless otherwise specified. For example, the encoding of an external script can be specified through the attribute of the HTML script tag. Alternatively, the encoding can be specified by the web server.

This is a convenience function equivalent to .


This function works only for HTML. For other MIME types (such as XHTML or SVG), should be used instead.


Content larger than 2 MB cannot be displayed, because converts the provided HTML to percent-encoding and places : in front of it to create the URL that it navigates to. Thereby, the provided code becomes a URL that exceeds the 2 MB limit set by Chromium. If the content is too large, the signal is triggered with .

See also


page –

Makes the new web page of the web view.

The parent of the provided page remains the owner of the object. If the current page is a child of the web view, it will be deleted.

See also


url –

See also


factor –

See also

Return type

Returns a pointer to the view or page specific settings object.

It is equivalent to:


See also


Convenience slot that stops loading the document.

It is equivalent to:


See also

Return type



title – unicode

(action, checked=false)
  • action –

  • checked –

Triggers the specified . If it is a checkable action, the specified state is assumed.

The following example triggers the copy action and therefore copies any selected text to the clipboard.


See also

Return type

See also


arg__1 –

Return type

See also

What is a “qtwebengineprocess.exe process”? Is qtwebengineprocess safe to use?

The original QtWebEngineProcess.exe file is a software module of Qt WebEngine by the Qt Company.

Several applications use the QtWebEngineProcess.exe process so, also recognized as Origin or Ring Central for Windows. For other operating systems, it is known as BitLord, Steam, Glyph or PlayTV.

The «qtwebengineprocess.exe» has initially been made to support programs and ensure that certain programs run correctly. It usually helps to run applications such as Origin or Dropbox.

Though it doesn’t have a digital signature, so it’s likely to be corrupted or missing if you click it. Even if this is the case, it’s not a crucial file that may indeed affect how your computer runs. This is not a necessary process and may be disabled if known to cause issues.

Table of Content

The Executable file (such as “QtWebEngineProcess.exe”) are files that contain step-by-step instructions that a computer follows to carry out a function. When you double-click an EXE file, your computer automatically executes these instructions to run a program on your PC.

As the article advances, you will come to know how to fix “qtwebengineprocess” error followed by various removal techniques you can follow to eliminate the threat. Let’s Read on!

Is qtwebengineprocess.exe a virus?

The file is generally located in a C:\Program Files subfolder and is not a Windows system file or essential or necessary for Microsoft Windows to run.

This might be the situation if you find QtWebEngineProcess.exe located in the C:\Windows\ or C:\Windows\System32 folder.

Moreover, viruses can infect, replace, or corrupt existing EXE files, which can then lead to error messages when related programs are executed. Thus, any executable files that you download to your PC should be scanned for infections before opening — even if you think it is from a trustworthy source.

Common “QtWebEngineProcess.exe” Error Messages

The common QtWebEngineProcess.exe errors that can appear on your PC are:

  • «QtWebEngineProcess.exe is not a valid Win32 application.»
  • «QtWebEngineProcess.exe Application Error.»
  • «QtWebEngineProcess.exe not found.»
  • «QtWebEngineProcess.exe is not running.»
  • «Error starting program: QtWebEngineProcess.exe.»

EXE errors, most often occur during computer start-up or shutdown, program Installation, while trying to use a particular function in your program (like printing) or even during the installation of the Windows operating system.

“QtWebEngineProcess.exe” Error – Causes:

  • Corrupt download or incomplete installation of Dropbox or origin software application.
  • Windows may be missing other significant updates or having some software issues.
  • Spam and junk email attachments, virus or malware, may have infected program files.
  • Corrupt Windows registry associated with the program file.

Ways to fix “qtwebengineprocess.exe” Error

Various methods that can effortlessly remove the «qtwebengineprocess.exe» error message, installed malicious codes, and other infectious viruses that appear on your system are explained in the guide below:

Uninstall the malicious programs manually from Windows 

  • First Click on the start menu, search for Control Panel and open it.
  • Now from the control panel window left click on the Uninstall a program option under Programs category.
  • The Programs and Feature screen will show up with a list of all the programs installed on your computer, now find the malicious program, then left click on the program to highlight it, then click Uninstall.
  • On the very next screen, confirm the uninstall program by clicking YES, then follow the prompts to install the program.

Make sure to read all of the commands prompts carefully because some malicious programs try to sneak things in hopes that you won’t read carefully.

Automatic Removal Tool: Malware Crusher

As your system is infected with malware, so executing steps by yourself may not work in some instances, because malware might have advanced into its additional phase altering specific Windows registry files to stay concealed from the regular antivirus software and user.

Indeed, an automatic method is the best option to easily uninstall EXE error associated with programs and installed malicious codes and applications on your computer.

If you don’t already have active malware protection, we recommend you to install , trusted by many users.

Malware Crusher is the most commonly used anti-malware software for the Windows OS. Its malware removal abilities make it the most impactful tool and prevent you before the viruses, or other malicious threats start infecting your system.

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