
Managing public access to buckets

Public access is granted to buckets and objects through access control lists (ACLs),
policies, or both. To help you manage public access to Amazon S3 resources, Amazon
S3 provides
block public access settings. Amazon S3 block public access settings
can override ACLs and bucket policies so that you can enforce uniform limits on
access to these resources. You can apply block public access settings to individual
buckets or to all buckets in your account.

To help ensure that all of your Amazon S3 buckets and objects have their public
access blocked, we recommend that you turn on all four settings for block public
for your account. These settings block public access for all current and future

Before applying these settings, verify that your applications will work correctly
without public access. If you require some level of public access to your buckets
objects, for example to host a static website as described at Hosting a static website on Amazon S3, you can customize the
individual settings to suit your storage use cases. For more information, see Using Amazon S3 block public access.

Related services

After you load your data into Amazon S3, you can use it with other AWS services. The
are the services you might use most frequently:

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) – This service provides virtual
    compute resources in the cloud. For more information, see the Amazon EC2 product details page.

  • Amazon EMR – This service enables businesses,
    researchers, data analysts, and developers to easily and cost-effectively
    process vast amounts of data. It uses a hosted Hadoop framework running on the
    web-scale infrastructure of Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3. For more information, see
    the Amazon EMR product details

  • AWS Snowball – This service accelerates transferring
    large amounts of data into and out of AWS using physical storage devices,
    bypassing the internet. Each AWS Snowball device type can transport data at
    faster-than internet speeds. This transport is done by shipping the data in the
    devices through a regional carrier. For more information, see the AWS Snowball product details page.

Amazon S3 features

This section describes important Amazon S3 features.


Storage classes

Amazon S3 offers a range of storage classes designed for different use cases. These
include Amazon S3 STANDARD for general-purpose storage of frequently accessed
data, Amazon S3
STANDARD_IA for long-lived, but less frequently accessed data, and S3 Glacier
long-term archive.

For more information, see Amazon S3 storage classes.

Bucket policies

Bucket policies provide centralized access control to buckets and objects based on
a variety of conditions, including Amazon S3 operations, requesters, resources,
aspects of the request (for example, IP address). The policies are expressed in
access policy language and enable centralized
management of permissions. The permissions attached to a bucket apply to all of
objects in that bucket.

Both individuals and companies can use bucket policies. When companies register
with Amazon S3, they create an account. Thereafter,
the company becomes synonymous with the account. Accounts are financially
responsible for the AWS resources that they (and their employees) create. Accounts
have the power to grant bucket policy permissions and assign employees permissions
based on a variety of conditions. For example, an account could create a policy
gives a user write access:

  • To a particular S3 bucket

  • From an account’s corporate network

  • During business hours

An account can grant one user limited read and write access, but allow another to
create and delete buckets also. An account could allow several field offices to
store their daily reports in a single bucket. It could allow each office to write
only to a certain set of names (for example, «Nevada/*» or «Utah/*») and only
the office’s IP address range.

Unlike access control lists (described later), which can add (grant) permissions
only on individual objects, policies can either add or deny permissions across
(or a subset) of objects within a bucket. With one request, an account can set
permissions of any number of objects in a bucket. An account can use wildcards
(similar to regular expression operators) on Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and
values. The account could then control access to groups of objects that begin
with a
common or end with a given extension, such as .html.

Only the bucket owner is allowed to associate a policy with a bucket. Policies
(written in the access policy language) allow or
deny requests based on the following:

  • Amazon S3 bucket operations (such as ), and object
    operations (such as , or )

  • Requester

  • Conditions specified in the policy

An account can control access based on specific Amazon S3 operations, such as
, ,
, or .

The conditions can be such things as IP addresses, IP address ranges in CIDR
notation, dates, user agents, HTTP referrer, and transports (HTTP and HTTPS).

For more information, see Using Bucket Policies and User Policies.

AWS identity and access

You can use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to manage access to your Amazon
S3 resources.

For example, you can use IAM with Amazon S3 to control
the type of access a user or group of users has to
specific parts of an Amazon S3 bucket your AWS account owns.

For more information about IAM, see the following:

Access control lists

You can control access to each of your buckets and objects using an access control
list (ACL). For more information, see Managing Access with ACLs.


You can use versioning to keep multiple versions of an object
in the same bucket. For more information, see Object Versioning.


Following are the most common operations that you’ll run through the

Common operations

  • Create a bucket – Create and name
    your own bucket in which to store your objects.

  • Write an object – Store data by
    creating or overwriting an object. When you write an object, you specify a
    unique key in the namespace of your bucket. This is also a good time to
    specify any access control you want on the object.

  • Read an object – Read data back. You
    can download the data via HTTP or BitTorrent.

  • Delete an object – Delete some of
    your data.

  • List keys – List the keys contained
    in one of your buckets. You can filter the key list based on a

These operations and all other functionality are described in detail throughout
this guide.

Creating a bucket

Amazon S3 provides APIs for creating and managing buckets. By default, you can create
up to
100 buckets in each of your AWS accounts. If you need more buckets, you can increase
your account bucket limit to a maximum of 1,000 buckets by submitting a service
increase. To learn how to submit a bucket limit increase, see AWS Service Limits in the AWS General
Reference. You can store any number of objects in a bucket.

When you create a bucket, you provide a name and the AWS Region where you want to
create the bucket. For information about naming buckets, see .

You can use any of the methods listed below to create a bucket. For examples, see
Examples of creating a

Amazon S3 console

You can create a bucket in the Amazon S3 console. For more information, see Creating a bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide


Creating a bucket using the REST API can be cumbersome because it requires you to
write code to authenticate your requests. For more information, see PUT Bucket in the
Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference. We recommend that you use the AWS Management Console or
AWS SDKs instead.


When you use the AWS SDKs to create a bucket, you first create a client and then
use the client to send a request to create a bucket. If you don’t specify a Region
when you create a client or a bucket, Amazon S3 uses US East (N. Virginia), the
Region. You can also specify a specific Region. For a list of available AWS Regions,
see Regions and
Endpoints in the AWS General Reference. For more
information about enabling or disabling an AWS Region, see Managing AWS
Regions in the AWS General Reference.

As a best practice, you should create your client and bucket in the same
Region. If your Region launched after March 20,
2019, your client and bucket must be in the same Region. However,
you can use a client in the US East (N. Virginia) Region to create a bucket in
Region that launched before March 20, 2019.
For more information, see .

Creating a client

When you create the client, you should specify an AWS Region, to create the client
If you don’t specify a Region, Amazon S3 creates the client in US East (N. Virginia)
default Region. To create a client to access a dual-stack endpoint, you must
specify an AWS Region,. For more information, see .

When you create a client, the Region maps to the Region-specific endpoint. The
client uses this endpoint to communicate with Amazon S3:

For example, if you create a client by specifying the eu-west-1 Region, it maps to
the following Region-specific endpoint:

Creating a bucket

If you don’t specify a Region when you create a bucket, Amazon S3 creates the bucket
in the
US East (N. Virginia) Region. Therefore, if you want to create a bucket in a
specific Region, you must specify the Region when you create the bucket.

Buckets created after September 30, 2020, will support only virtual hosted-style requests.

Path-style requests will continue to be supported for buckets created on or before
this date.
For more information,
Amazon S3 Path Deprecation Plan – The Rest of the Story.

About permissions

You can use your AWS account root credentials to create a bucket and perform any
other Amazon S3 operation. However, AWS recommends not using the root credentials
of your
AWS account to make requests such as to create a bucket. Instead, create an IAM
user, and grant that user full access (users by default have no permissions).
refer to these users as administrator users. You can use the administrator user
credentials, instead of the root credentials of your account, to interact with
and perform tasks, such as create a bucket, create users, and grant them

For more information, see Root Account
Credentials vs. IAM User Credentials in the AWS
General Reference and IAM Best Practices in the IAM User Guide.

The AWS account that creates a resource owns that resource. For example, if you
create an IAM user in your AWS account and grant the user permission to create
bucket, the user can create a bucket. But the user does not own the bucket; the
account to which the user belongs owns the bucket. The user will need additional
permission from the resource owner to perform any other bucket operations. For
information about managing permissions for your Amazon S3 resources, see Identity and access management in Amazon S3.

Advantages of using Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is intentionally built with a minimal feature set that focuses on simplicity
robustness. Following are some of the advantages of using Amazon S3:

  • Creating buckets – Create and name a bucket that
    stores data. Buckets are the fundamental containers in Amazon S3 for data

  • Storing data – Store an infinite amount of data in a
    bucket. Upload as many objects as you like into an Amazon S3 bucket. Each object
    contain up to 5 TB of data. Each object is stored and retrieved using a unique
    developer-assigned key.

  • Downloading data – Download your data or enable
    others to do so. Download your data anytime you like, or allow others to do the

  • Permissions – Grant or deny access to others who want
    to upload or download data into your Amazon S3 bucket. Grant upload and download
    permissions to three types of users. Authentication mechanisms can help keep
    data secure from unauthorized access.

  • Standard interfaces – Use standards-based REST and
    SOAP interfaces designed to work with any internet-development toolkit.


    SOAP support over HTTP is deprecated, but it is still available over HTTPS.
    New Amazon S3 features will not be supported for SOAP. We recommend that you use
    either the REST API or the AWS SDKs.

CloudFront – настройка CDN и привязка HTTPS

CloudFront позволит нам не только привязать к сайту бесплатный SSL-сертификат, но и позволяет использовать для доступа к сайту протокол HTTP/2, который во всех тестах показывает производительность намного выше, чем HTTP. Кроме того, большая распределенная сеть CDN CloudFront еще более увеличивает скорость доступа к нашему сайту из разных точек мира.

    1. В разделе Networking & Content Delivery выберите CloudFront.
    2. Нажмите на кнопку Create Distribution, а затем в разделе Web distribution нажмите кнопку Get Started
    3. Я задал такие настройки (остальные можно оставить по-умолчанию):

Origin: длинный URL сайта, предоставляемый S3.Viewer Protocol Policy: Redirect HTTP to HTTPSCompress Objects Automatically: YesCNAMEs: www.mystaticsite77.ruCustom SSL Certificate: выберите созданный ранее SSL сертификат.Default Root Object: index.html

Затем нажмите Create Distribution

Примечание: По умолчанию CloudFront покажет список источников и предложит использовать S3 Bucket. Вам нужно будет сменить S3 Bucket, выбрав вместо него S3 URL (Endpoint S3 bucket). К примеру, http://www.mystaticsite77.ru.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com

Генерация данных в сети CloudFront займет довольно продолжительное время – от 30 минут до нескольких часов.

Запрос бесплатного SSL сертификата через Certificate Manager

Конечно, в общем случае вопрос установки SSL сертификата для статического сайта весьма спорен. Мы в большей степени будем его использовать в целях демонстрации.

  1. В разделе Security, Identity & Compliance откройте секцию Certificate Manager
  2. Нажмите кнопку “Request a certificate” и укажите имя своего домена в *.mystaticsite77.ru и mystaticsite77.ru, а затем нажмите кнопку “Review and request“.
  3. Подтвердите запрос сертификата и AWS попытается отправить вам электронное письмо для подтверждения запроса. Нажав на стрелку, можно отобразить список email, на которые должен быть отправлен запрос.Это, пожалуй, самый «трудный» шаг, т.к. у вас должен быть доступ к любому из ящиков в списке. Как правило, это ящик, указанный во WHOIS домена (я использую адрес privacyguardian.org для защиты данных WHOIS).
  4. После получения письма от AWS, нажмите на ссылку в письме для подтверждения запроса на выпуск SSL сертификата. Имейте в виду, что AWS отправит два письма (для *.mystaticsite77.ru и mystaticsite77.ru ), нужно подтвердить их оба.

Accessing a bucket

You can access your bucket using the Amazon S3 console. Using the console UI, you
perform almost all bucket operations without having to write any code.

If you access a bucket programmatically, note that Amazon S3 supports RESTful architecture
in which your buckets and objects are resources, each with a resource URI that
identifies the resource.

Amazon S3 supports both virtual-hosted–style and path-style URLs to access a bucket.
Because buckets can be accessed using path-style and virtual-hosted–style URLs,
recommend that you create buckets with DNS-compliant bucket names. For more information,
see Bucket restrictions and limitations.


Virtual hosted style and path-style requests use the S3 dot Region endpoint
structure (), for example,
. However, some older
Amazon S3 Regions also support S3 dash Region endpoints , for
example, . If your bucket is
in one of these Regions, you might see endpoints in your
server access logs or CloudTrail logs. We recommend that you do not use this
endpoint structure in your requests.

Virtual hosted style access

In a virtual-hosted–style request, the bucket name is part of the domain
name in the URL.

Amazon S3 virtual hosted style URLs follow the format shown below.

In this example, is the bucket name, US West (Oregon) is the Region, and is the key name:

For more information about virtual hosted style access, see .

Path-style access

In Amazon S3, path-style URLs follow the format shown below.

For example, if you create a bucket named in the US West (Oregon) Region,
and you want to access the object in that bucket, you can use the
following path-style URL:

For more information, see .


Buckets created after September 30, 2020, will support only virtual hosted-style requests.

Path-style requests will continue to be supported for buckets created on or before
this date.
For more information,
Amazon S3 Path Deprecation Plan – The Rest of the Story.

Accessing an S3 bucket over IPv6

Amazon S3 has a set of dual-stack endpoints, which support requests to S3 buckets
both Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and IPv4. For more information, see Making requests over IPv6.

Accessing a bucket
through an S3 access point

In addition to accessing a bucket directly, you can access a bucket through an S3
access point. For more information about S3 access points, see Managing data access with Amazon S3 access points .

S3 access points only support virtual-host-style addressing. To address a bucket
through an access point, use this format:


  • If your access point name includes dash (-) characters, include the dashes
    in the URL and insert another dash before the account ID. For example, to
    use an access point named owned by account
    in Region , the
    appropriate URL would be

  • S3 access points don’t support access by HTTP, only secure access by

Accessing a Bucket using

Some AWS services require specifying an Amazon S3 bucket using
. The correct format is shown below. Be aware that when
using this format, the bucket name does not include the region.

For example, using the sample bucket described in the earlier path-style

Редирект домена без WWW нвWWW

Итак, мы почти закончили, осталось озаботиться поисковой оптимизацией, чтобы поисковые системы видели только один сайт, настроив редирект с https://mystaticsite77.ru на WWW адрес https://www.mystaticsite77.ru

  1. Для этого создадим еще одну корзину (bucket) S3 с именем mystaticsite77.ru, также включаем для нее поддержку размещения статического сайта, однако выбираем опцию “Redirect Requests” и указываем имя первой корзины (www.mystaticsite77.ru)
  2. В CloudFront создадим новый пакет со следующими настройками:Origin: адрес второго сайта S3 (endpoint URL)CNAMEs: mystaticsite77.ruCustom SSL Certificate: выберите ваш сертификат.Нажмите кнопку “Create Distribution“
  3. Затем в Route 53 создадим еще одну запись для mystaticsite77.ru типа A – IPv4 с алиасом, указывающим на второй пакет CloudFront. Сохраните изменения.

Дождитесь обновления, и убедитесь, что 301 работает редирект с адреса сайта без www на www.

Bucket configuration options

Amazon S3 supports various options for you to configure your bucket. For example,
you can
configure your bucket for website hosting, add configuration to manage lifecycle
objects in the bucket, and configure the bucket to log all access to the bucket.
Amazon S3
supports subresources for you to store and manage the bucket configuration information.
You can use the Amazon S3 API to create and manage these subresources. However,
you can also
use the console or the AWS SDKs.


There are also object-level configurations. For example, you can configure
object-level permissions by configuring an access control list (ACL) specific
that object.

These are referred to as subresources because they exist in the context of a specific
bucket or object. The following table lists subresources that enable you to manage
bucket-specific configurations.

Subresource Description

cors (cross-origin resource sharing)

You can configure your bucket to allow cross-origin

For more information, see Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.

event notification

You can enable your bucket to send you notifications of specified
bucket events.

For more information, see Configuring Amazon S3 event notifications.


You can define lifecycle rules for objects in your bucket that
have a well-defined lifecycle. For example, you can define a rule to
archive objects one year after creation, or delete an object 10
years after creation.

For more information, see Object Lifecycle


When you create a bucket, you specify the AWS Region where you
want Amazon S3 to create the bucket. Amazon S3 stores this information in
location subresource and provides an API for you to retrieve this


Logging enables you to track requests for access to your bucket.
Each access log record provides details about a single access
request, such as the requester, bucket name, request time, request
action, response status, and error code, if any. Access log
information can be useful in security and access audits. It can also
help you learn about your customer base and understand your Amazon S3

For more information, see Amazon S3 server access logging.

object locking

To use S3 Object Lock, you must enable it for a bucket. You can
also optionally configure a default retention mode and period that
applies to new objects that are placed in the bucket.

For more information, see .

policy and ACL (access
control list)

All your resources (such as buckets and objects) are private by
default. Amazon S3 supports both bucket policy and access control list
(ACL) options for you to grant and manage bucket-level permissions.
Amazon S3 stores the permission information in the
policy and acl

For more information, see Identity and access management in Amazon S3.


Replication is the automatic, asynchronous copying of objects
across buckets in different or the same AWS Regions. For more
information, see Replication.


By default, the AWS account that creates the bucket (the bucket
owner) pays for downloads from the bucket. Using this subresource,
the bucket owner can specify that the person requesting the download
will be charged for the download. Amazon S3 provides an API for you to
manage this subresource.

For more information, see Requester Pays buckets.


You can add cost allocation tags to your bucket to categorize and
track your AWS costs. Amazon S3 provides the tagging
subresource to store and manage tags on a bucket. Using tags you
apply to your bucket, AWS generates a cost allocation report with
usage and costs aggregated by your tags.

For more information, see Billing and usage reporting for S3 buckets.

transfer acceleration

Transfer Acceleration enables fast, easy, and secure transfers of files
over long distances between your client and an S3 bucket.
Transfer Acceleration takes advantage of Amazon CloudFront’s globally distributed
edge locations.

For more information, see Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration.


Versioning helps you recover accidental overwrites and deletes.

We recommend versioning as a best practice to recover objects from
being deleted or overwritten by mistake.

For more information, see Using versioning.


You can configure your bucket for static website hosting. Amazon S3
stores this configuration by creating a website

For more information, see Hosting a Static Website
on Amazon S3.

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